Monday, March 27, 2017


Via PI News, March 26, 2017:

"Ein Drittel der rund 60.000 Einwohner der nordfranzösischen Stadt Clichy-la-Garenne sind Anhänger des Mord- und Gewaltkults Islam und wie überall wo sich die Rechtgläubigen ausbreiten versuchen sie, gerne auch aggressiv, ihre Interessen durchzusetzen. In Frankreich erfolgt das, wie bei uns auch oftmals, mit Hilfe sozialistischer Politiker. So auch in Clichy, dort hatte 2013 ein sozialistischer Bürgermeister der islamischen Gemeinde die temporäre Nutzung eines leerstehenden stadteigenen Gebäudes als Moschee erlaubt. Diese Vereinbarung wurde 2015 von der damals neu gewählten Mitte-Rechts-Stadtregierung gekündigt, weil darin eine Bibliothek geplant war. Die Moslems weigerten sich, das Haus galt von da an als besetzt. Am Mittwoch wurde die im November beschlossene Räumung nun durchgesetzt. Die Aggressions-Gläubigen reagierten mit Kampfbeten und Gewalt gegen die Polizei."


"A third of the around 60,000 inhabitants of the northern French city Clichy-la-Garenne are members of the Murder- and Violence Cult islam and, as everywhere, the followers of the True Faith try to further their interests, if possible using violence. In France they receive help, just like in Germany, from socialist politicians. And so it was that in 2013 in Clichy a socialist mayor allowed the islamic community to temporarily use a vacated building, property of the city, as a mosque. In 2015 the center-right city council, freshly voted in, announced that the building would be refurbished as a library. The muslims refused to vacate the building, from then on it has been occupied. On Wednesday the authorities made true on their promise to force them out [so that the refurbishment could begin - MFBB]. The aggressive faithful reacted with war prayers and violence against police."

So these assholes were offered a TEMPORARY use of a government building. The key word is temporary. If the authorities in my hometown would offer me temporary use of some storage building because of my beautiful eyes or whatever and because at the given moment they have no use for it, it would be crystal clear to me that the moment they actually need it, it's time to pack.

Not so muslims.

You give them a finger, they take an arm. Or rather, you loan them a finger, they think they have a right to your arm. It's a perfect illustration of the mindset of these lowlives. Once they've been inside, it's their property.

It is imperative that we understand that many if not most of them now consider EUROPE ITSELF as their property - for the mere reason they are here already.

More images of the usurpers:

Courtesy our 'friends' the socialists of course.

More at Gates of Vienna:

Some stills. Here are the men praying the streets. If this were you or me, obstructing traffic like that, we would be fined. Not so the invaders:

 photo clichy_la_garenne_men_zpsfbyieemq.jpg

Behind the men, their sad unattractive sacks of women, their role effectively reduced to breeding hens, also "pray":

 photo clichy_la_garenne_women_zpskwi1dzii.jpg

The nightmare of islam is engulfing Europe, and it can only end in violence and bloodshed.

If you are a White European, and no traitor to your people, prepare to defend yourself and take the fight to the enemy.


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