Saturday, January 21, 2017


First off, in the spirit of reconciliation, a consolation number for the gazillions of butthurting liberal snowflakeyflake libtards out there tuning in each and every day to DowneastBlog!!! Joan Armatrading with I'm lucky. Album Walk under ladders (1981).

British singer/songwriter and guitarist. Dunno how it was elsewhere, but she had some success over here in good ole Belgium in the early eighties.

Sufjan Stevens with Chicago. From the album Illinois (2005).

Singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Detroit, Michigan.

Goede nacht. Except for all you ludicrous women out there who thought they should protest The Donald becoming POTUS, when YOUR champion threatened a rape victim by her hubby into silence, amongst others, and out there 800 million muslim women have to live under the yoke of the most mysoginistic belief system the world ever witnessed AND THAT AIN'T WORTH PROTESTING. I hope you all have your period starting tonight and that it lasts till the next one. Brainless twats.


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