"Indonesian designer Anniesa Hasibuan wrote history with her latest collection during New York's Fashion Week. She sent a string of beautiful models on the catwalk, with hijab. Fashion for muslimas seems to become trendy, earlier brands like Mango, Oscar de la Renta and Uniqlo designed collections especially for muslim women.
Although Anniesa Hasibuan is only 28 years old, she already is the first Indonesian designer showing her collection during the NYC Fashion Week. She sent her models onto the catwalk, with a lot of attention for details. Still, it was the headgear in particular that drew attention. Because all models wore hijabs - or veils - on their heads, something no other designer dared before."
Over at American Thinker, Carol Brown has some thoughts about the real character of this hijab in-your-face-flaunting PLUS on the appalling dhimmitude from the audience, the press and even a teen magazine:
"... A hijab is not a fashion statement. It’s not an accessory like a hat or a scarf. It’s a statement about Islam and sharia. These models (none of whom, I speculate, are Muslim) had no business wearing hijabs. In so doing, they normalized them and made them seem innocuous when they’re anything but. What next? Will they have to recite the shahada before strutting their stuff on the runway? (See here for an excellent discussion of what a hijab means, presented by Bill Warner.)
As for the audience at fashion show, after the sharia-on-the-runway display they went wild with excitement. CNN reports:
~ The show concluded with a standing ovation from audience members.
~ Lori Riviere, the press manager for the event, said: “I have been doing this for a really long time and I have never seen a standing ovation at the end of a show. We all had goose bumps.”
Why a standing ovation? Oh that’s right. That’s what dhimmis do. Muslims are a special class as Islamophilia spreads like wild fire across the West.
Meanwhile, no event like this would be complete without the now-predictable reference to “making history,” as reported in Teen Vogue:
~ A designer just made history at NYFW in the most inclusive and inspiring way. Designer Anniesa Hasibuan marched an army of gorgeous girls down the catwalk, all in full hijab. While the collection boasted intricately embroidered gowns, metallic brocade tops, and lust-worthy jewelry, it was the headwear that stole the show.
Yeah, you heard that right: “teen.” Let’s get our girls ready to don their hijabs and brainwash them to perceive Islamic garb as normal and not indicative of anything problematic."
Again, HLN Online. This time on 18 August, couple of weeks back, with a topic on Flemish shoe giant Torfs allowing muslima sellers wearing hijabs:
Flemish shoe giant TORFS (a chain with franchises all over Flanders) allows shop personnel to wear hijabs. Recently muslimas wearing a veil were hired. They are employed in the Wijnegem and Leuven franchises. The goal of the remarkable initiative is to attract more customers from the muslim community, De Standaard writes today. Shoe tycoon Wouter Torfs announced the move in January already during an interview with daily Het Laatste Nieuws."
And so it goes on, and on, and on, and one day you find yourself living in a muslim country. All of this enabled and facilitated by a far too large number of gullible multiculti goons.