Wednesday, September 28, 2016


In early summer, the Belgian government dispatched a small squadron of six F-16 fighter-bombers to an air base in Jordan. Since then, they have been deployed against ISIS targets in both Iraq and Syria. Some non-specified but atmospheric shots:

 photo DF1_zpsa3c5bqd2.jpg

 photo DF2_zpseoa0mgtr.jpg

 photo DF3_zps7nl9cjwx.jpg

 photo DF5_zpswl0wmzcy.jpg

 photo df7_zpse3oeiphc.jpg

 photo DF4_zpsdlhu9ppx.jpg

 photo df6_zpsmlge4x20.jpg

All photos courtesy the MoD website.

There's a story to be told here about the F-16s going into battle with the regular ordnance instead of the small diameter bombs (GBU39s) the Dutch Air Force is already using. It seems that, since we do not yet have the SDB's, the ones we use are on loan from the Dutch. When the BAF's start to arrive - they have been ordered, but there seem to be delays in either production or delivery - a corresponding number to the ones used should then be given back. Or so I'm told.

Anyway, I'm not an expert, but the ordnance I see on these pics doesn't seem to be SDB's. I do see a strange grey capped bomb or pod slung under the fuselage center though. Also visible are the sniper pods.