"In a telling article Die Welt reports today on the phenomenon of the rising number of "child marriages" in Germany. As it should, causes, background and analyses from several sides are quoted, politically correct considerations aren't mentioned. The groups that bring the perverse practice of "child marriages" to our enlightened country are muslims and Roma:
~ ... They are back again - the child brides, mostly married off to elderly men. The child marriage is an accompaniment to the refugee wave, but it is performed here too, in the framework of sharia law or in roma families, under the radar of the authorities. The Laender [the German "regions", like Hessen, Thueringen, or Nordrhein/Westfalen etc - MFBB] count 1,000 of them. But the real figure is higher.
That too, the reality itself that's hiding behind the notion of "child marriage" is named. Die WELT cites the German Police Union Chief Rainer Wendt, who thinks is of the opinion that the word "child marriage" is deceiving:
~ "They are not husbands, but often child molesters, who should be punished."
We have met this Rainer Wendt guy before. He may be a Union boss, but he seems to be a very reasonable fellow.