BAMF stands for Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
Via our friends at Gates of Vienna, a shocking video - well... actually for me it's not shocking at all - which tells you something about an average day when you are a working stiff at the BAMF. Nash Montana did the translation, and as per usual Vlad Tepes the subtitling:
Yet despite all this terrifying evidence of the true nature of the islamic invasion, this deluded woman is STILL so far off the cliff that she seems to be more concerned about parties and movements like AfD and PEGIDA making gains because of the "refugee" crisis. The recent revelation that ONLY half of autochton German citizens would be dissatisfied with a FOURTH run for Merkel as Chancellor merely confirms that the delusion is deep and widespread. In a normal society, at least 90 per cent would want this terrible woman out and for good and forever.
Responsible for the catastrophic disinfirmation are, as everywhere, the whorenalists of the Luegenpresse, the traitors in the big TV broadcasters, most of the educational sector, all of the cultural sector, and basically all too of the mainstream politicians.