Friday, January 08, 2016


Even our lamestream media couldn't look past the appalling events in at least five German cities on New Year's Eve, so bad was it. In Germany, the country's most-influential political blog, PI-News, run by Stefan Herre, was on top of things.

And it seems Merkel's goons are not pleased with that.

Just tonight I was reading Steyn's latest take on German authorities cracking down on what they call "a rash of incendiary speech"...

"The German state is apparently incapable of springing to action over organized mass sexual assault in at least five cities on a rape-out-the-old New Year's Eve (oh, and Finland, too), but you've gotta be able to prioritize, right? Post reporter Anthony Faiola's snide opening is a classic of the genre:

BERLIN — Donald Trump may be testing the boundaries of tolerance on the U.S. campaign trail. But here in Germany, the government is effectively enforcing civility, taking aim at a surge of hate speech against refugees and Muslims.

There's actually nothing very "civil" about "enforcing civility". Indeed, if civility (which derives from "civis" - citizen) has to be enforced, it is by definition no longer civility at all. Nevertheless:

As Western Europe's most populous nation grapples with a historic wave of mostly-Muslim migrants, politicians and activists are decrying a rash of incendiary speech bubbling to the surface of German society. In a country whose Nazi past led to some of the strictest laws in the West protecting minorities from people inciting hatred, prosecutors are launching investigations into inflammatory comments as judges dole out fines, even probation time, to the worst offenders.

German authorities, meanwhile, have reached a deal with Facebook, Google and Twitter to get tougher on offensive content, with the outlets agreeing to apply domestic laws, rather than their own corporate policies, to reviews of posts.

I said yesterday that "without free speech, there are only the official lies". The first week of the New Year in Germany has provided a grim example of that: In one of the most famous public places in Germany a mass sexual assault took place ...and every organ of the state colluded in covering it up. The initial press release from the Cologne police read:

POL-K: 160101-1-K/LEV Ausgelassene Stimmung - Feiern weitgehend friedlich

"A mood of exuberance - largely peaceful celebrations." That's what they told the citizenry. What they told each other was quite different:

The outbreak of violence was also far more serious than previously thought, and at one point senior police officers feared "there could have been fatalities".

Two publications have released what they claim is an internal report by a senior officer who was at the scene.

Which is full of stuff they didn't have room for in their night-of-exuberant-celebrations press release:

"We came to the conclusion that the situation threatened chaos or serious injury, if it didn't lead to fatalities."

Police decided to clear the area but met with resistance and were "repeatedly bombarded with fireworks and pelted with bottles..."

"Many women came to officers shocked and crying and reported sex assaults. Police forces were unable to respond to all the events, assaults and offences. There were just too many at the same time."

Because all the other coppers were back at the police station investigating mean-spirited Tweets?

Fortunately, none of this unpleasantness made the news:

Following a barrage of complaints on social media that the New Year's Eve events were deliberately under-reported amid fears they would encourage anti-immigrant sentiment, Germany's public broadcaster, ZDF, was forced to apologise for its decision not to report on the attacks until Tuesday, four days after they had occurred.

"The news situation was clear enough," the show's deputy chief editor, Elmar Thevessen, wrote on the Heute (Today) programme's Facebook page. "It was a mistake of the 7pm Heute show not to at least report the incidents."

But, if you have to report it a week later, blame the victims. Cologne Mayor and "refugee activist" Henriette Reker told the hundred-plus sexually assaulted women of her city that the easiest way to solve the problem is to keep men at "arm's length". This may work for Mayor Reker traveling around her fiefdom with a car and security detail, but, alas, out on the streets, men often have longer arms than women, and, when there are more than one of them, you can easily wind up out-armed: "Ich hatte Finger an allen Körperöffnungen," as one young lady put it. "I had fingers on every orifice."

And so the Arab Spring has come to Europe - or at least the Tahrir Square part of it.

But don't even think of saying things like that because that makes you just as bad as the gang-rapists. Just ask Ralf Jaeger, the Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia:

Mr Jaeger also warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.

"What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women," he said. "This is poisoning the climate of our society."

So, in the multiculti utopia, chatrooms are "at least as awful" as gang rape. Maybe his cabinet colleagues might usefully stick some fingers in Herr Jaeger's orifices, starting with his mouth..."

... when, after clicking through to PI-News...

... I found I could not access it. That was around 1am on Saturday morning, January 9, and still so half an hour later, it wouldn't open.

I suspected a strong DDoS-attack, but luckily, at 1:32am, I found it was back online:

 photo PI_DDOSAttack_zpsbixsvm5t.jpg

It turned out to be what I feared. Translation:

"After a strong DDoS-attack on our server we are currently, after two hours, back online. It's possible that PI in the following hours will remain somewhat "shaky", but we are optimistic that the heaviest attacks are behind us. We apologize to our readers for the missed On-Time and continue right away further on with new posts. Your PI-Team."

Godspeed, guys!