"...In this Christmas season, what we used to call Christendom is sad and diminished, led by a fatuous social-justice pope and a European political class that has doubled down on civilizational suicide. Here is a small but telling story of the new France:
NICE, France – Valérie Aubry-Dumont got the news in a WhatsApp message from deep inside Islamic State territory. "Mom, you're going to be a grandmother," wrote her teenage daughter, Cléa.
When Aubry-Dumont last saw her daughter, Cléa was a 16-year-old girl attending Catholic school in a Paris suburb. After a breakup, Cléa met a young man online and within months the couple fled France to live in a stretch of northern Syria ruled by Islamic State.
Islam has a three-pronged strategy for its conquest of Europe: immigration, fertility, and conversion. I have been writing about the last for years. From seven years ago:
Let's say you work in an office in those cities: One day they install a Muslim prayer room, and a few folks head off at the designated time, while the rest of you get on with what passes for work in the EU. A couple of years go by, and it's now a few more folks scooting off to the prayer room. Then it's a majority. And the ones who don't are beginning to feel a bit awkward about being left behind.
What do you do? The future showed up a lot sooner than you thought... If you're the average post-Christian Eurosecularist, what's the big deal? Who wants to be the last guy sitting in the office sharpening his pencil during morning prayers?
Funny how quickly it all happened. There was the woman on reception, but she retired. And the guy in personnel who used to say, sotto voce, that Geert Wilders had a point. But he emigrated the year after Wilders did.
Four years later, just to underline the point, Arnoud van Doorn, the producer of Wilders's "Islamophobic" film Fitna, converted to Islam.
Yet I failed to discern perhaps the most poignant trend in this abandonment of their inheritance by native Europeans:
For some French families, the Paris attacks, while deepening the wedge between militants and the West, were a painful reminder of their ties to the enemy.
The French wife of Foued Mohamed-Aggad—who along with two others killed 90 people in Paris's Bataclan concert hall on Nov. 13—is living in Islamic State territory and ready to give birth "any day now," said Françoise Cotta, a lawyer Mohamed-Aggad's mother approached in an attempt to bring the child back to France.
"An alarming number of young men and women are leaving France to start a family in Syria," said Alain Ruffion, director at Unimed, a group that works to prevent the radicalization of residents around the southern French city of Nice.
Read that sentence and marvel. The Continent is in its unprecedented demographic death spiral because insufficient "young men and women" wish to start a family in Europe. But significant numbers of demoiselles like Cléa Aubry-Dumont are eager to find a nice fierce bearded young man and go off with him to "start a family in Syria". You'd almost get the impression Europe is literally barren soil.
As for this side of the Atlantic, it's not just that Trump wasn't hurt by his call for an end to Muslim immigration, but that (once you detach his name from the proposal) even 45 per cent of Democrats support the idea. In Europe, given the prosecutions of Geert Wilders and Marine LePen, it's not clear you're even allowed to pose the question. And, until it's asked and answered, there will be more and more middle-aged ladies like Valérie Aubry-Dumont who lose their daughters to Allah. Because something always beats nothing, and all Hollande and Merkel and the Eutopian political class are offering their subjects is one big cobwebbed nothing...."
Mr Steyn might have added Europe's insane MSM. In Belgium, chief among these is the self-proclaimed "quality newspaper" De Standaard.
Yesterday we posted here the video and transcript of Czech President Milos Zeman's Christmas message to the Czech people.
Today, De Standaard found it necessary not to address the very substantial threats to Europe's future President Zeman warns about, but...
... to ridicule and chastise him. A screenshot from their site:
The title reads: "The Czech Republic's Orban", because the Gutmenschen at DS have no love lost for that other True European Patriot either.
"Just like the past year, Milos Zeman wasn't interested in delivering a reconciling Christmas message. The Czech President, who has been attacking for years anything islamic, called the refugees fleeing to Europe "an organized invasion" - from under his embellished Christmas Tree."
Last week, it became known that in Somalia, Tajikistand and Brunei Christmas celebrations have been banned, and I wouldn't be surprised if Turkey follows suit next year.
But all of that does not matter to the suicidal lunatics who make up De Standaard's staff. What matters is that Milos Zeman is made to look like a hatemongering fool.