Saturday, November 21, 2015


Since 2 am Saturday morning, Brussels is in a heightened state of alert. State Security "has indications that an attack was planned with guns and explosives". PM Charles Michel has stated that "the threat is grave and very close". The Threat Level is at 4, the highest one. The Brussels metro does not function. Army and police patrol in the city.

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For decades the Vlaams Belang has warned of the grave dangers imposed by unchecked immigration and especially from muslim countries.

It's only reward was a "cordon sanitaire", a barrage of insults, anti-racism laws, lawsuits, intimidation campaigns, vandalization of property of its members and party infrastructure, the blocking of ads, exclusion of VB publications on the yearly Boekenbeurs (the national Book Fair), and severe restrictions on the appearance of VB politicians on state-controlled TV stations.

Today, the chickens have come home to roost.