It did not take long for gullible and clueless do-gooders from all over the country to storm to Brussels to hand out food, beverages and sanitary articles.
Problem is, the Maximiliaanpark is just near Molenbeek, now 80% muslim thanks to relentless soft ethnic cleansing.
Watch what happens when said idiots arrive, eager to feel good for the day for being so morally superior to, uh, racist xenophobic islamophobes like me:
Got that? Molenbeek is 500m from the Maximilaanpark and HOME TO 75,000 MUSLIMS!!!
No aid from that quarter is forthcoming for the hapless wreckage from the wonderful islamic world.
By contrast, Klaas, Piet, Pol, Mieke, Dirk and Tanja have stocked their Volkswagens, Renaults, Peugeots and Hyundais choke full of cookies, sweets, canned food, toilet paper, softdrinks and personal hygiene products and come from places as far away as West Flanders and Limburg...
... only to have their precious aid being transferred to the trunks of waiting cars belonging to Belgium's perfectly assimilated muslim population.
Such is muslim solidarity.
Happy thoughts to you.