Wednesday, August 05, 2015


An exerpt from The Hill:

"...In the fifth of a series of videos from the Center for Medical Progress, a woman identified as Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discusses contributing to the organization's "diversification of the revenue stream" and the potential to "get creative" with conditions for procurement needs. The video was reportedly filmed in April at a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas.
"Just depending on the patient's anatomy, how many weeks, where it's placed in the uterus ... we're going to potentially be able to have some that will be more or less intact and then some that will not be," she says.

"But it's something that we can look at exploring how we can make that happen so we have a higher chance," she adds.

"And we've had studies in which the company, or in the case of the investigator, has a specific need for a certain portion of the products of conception and we bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this. So we deviate from our standard in order to do that.

"If we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget, that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. I mean, it's all just a matter of line items," she says...."

As per usual, Mark Steyn is on top of things:

"In other words, their priority is not a "woman's health needs" but a cleanly delivered "fetus" with the relevant "portion of the products of conception" intact - the leg, the liver, the heart, the lung, whatever it is the client has had "baked" into the contract. This is in itself a crime: You're not supposed to manipulate the abortion - and potentially cause more pain and discomfort to the woman - in order to get clean, sellable baby parts.

But, as Ms Farrell makes plain, at Planned Parenthood they see the woman less as a patient than as a supplier whose truck needs a bit of maneuvering to align at the loading dock.

Lovely. But it gets better. For the parts to be useful to the customer, you can't employ the customary pharmaceutical aids to abortion - the stuff that kills the "fetus" - because, if you do, all the parts you want to sell will be poisoned and valueless..."

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Still not a peep from De Standaard, though you can be AB-SO-LU-TE-LY sure they know of this topic and its magnitude. By contrast, we all know about Cecil The Lion. A couple of days ago, they sported the headline :"ZIMBABWE WANTS EXTRADITION OF MURDERER CECIL THE LION".

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By contrast, their buddies from Het Laatste Nieuws - just as left as De Standaard but less "sophisticated" DID cover the issue...

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... deeming it necessary that we, the Great Unwashed, know that "celebs massively support Planned Parenthood".

You read that right. That screenshot I took above is from the AFAIK only column Het Laaste Nieuws spent on the case. In other words, what is important to know is not so much the outrageous fact that Planned Parenthood is illegally selling fetuses and part of fetuses for big money, BUT "that celebs massively support PP"!!! And who do they pick for illustrating their article? Why, Lena Dunham!!!

Sick, sick, sick!


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