But we must start calling a spade a spade and PRONTO.
Kayla Mueller was not only one of those countless do-gooder types choosing the wrong side to "help" - muslims - but she was actively aiding and abetting Palestinian terror groups.
Over at Arutz Sheva, Lee Kaplan sheds some essential light on Kayla Mueller:
"Kayla Mueller was a member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) who spent at least two years working with that terrorist support group. She was involved in demonstrations against the Jews in Sheikh Jarrah (part of East Jerusalem) after a 20 year long court decision recognized the Jews' legal rights to homes they were chased from in earlier wars launched by the Arabs. She also participated in demonstrations to interfere with the IDF demolishing the homes of terrorists and suicide bombers after the courts okayed the demolitions.
Just as with Rachel Corrie, the press tries to paint Kayla as a selfless volunteer helping poor Arab refugees. She may have helped injured Arabs in "refugee" camps, but she was working to support the goals of Palestinian irredentists and to interfere with the IDF on behalf of terrorist groups.
As an ISM activist she was a tool for the worldwide jihad.
A letter she wrote which appears on the ISM’s website describes the usual ISM claims of atrocities that never occurred, but were fabrications worthy of Pallywood.
First, she lived and rioted with other ISM activists with an Arab family that refused to vacate a home they were squatting in after a legal case that took 20 years established it was stolen from the Jewish owners.
She wrote propaganda letters for the ISM website:
“Just the next year in 2009 Ashraf’s brother, Bassem Abu Rahma, was participating in the demonstration and was attempting to communicate with the IDF soldiers telling them to stop shooting the steel-coated rubber bullets as an Israeli activist had been shot in the leg and needed medical attention. Not soon after an Israeli soldier illegally used a tear gas canister as a bullet hitting Bassem in the chest, stopping his heart and killing him instantly,” she wrote.
Of course, the Arab propaganda rag Al Jazeera told the story that way. This really occurred during one of the weekly riots in Bi’ilin in the West Bank where the Arabs demonstrate “nonviolently” by throwing rocks at the IDF soldiers as well as incendiaries. Kayla was there with the ISM to participate. Kayla admitted to being present at the weekly riots.
She was also a human shield in support of terrorists. She wrote:
“I could tell a few stories about sleeping in front of half demolished buildings waiting for the one night when the bulldozers come to finish them off; fearing sleep because you don’t know what could wake you. . . . I could tell a few stories about walking children home from school because settlers next door are keen to throw stones, threaten and curse at them. Seeing the honest fear in young boys eyes when heavily armed settlers arise from the outpost; pure fear, frozen from further steps, lip trembling.”
Most Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria are religious Jews. Many are professionals who wish to lead quiet family lives. They do not generally engage in violence, except for an aberrant few who sometimes engage in non-life threatening vandalism and are severely castigated by the rest. The ISM hit on a strategy of accusing the Jews in the 'West Bank' of what the Arabs do continually to Jews: throw stones, attack school children, destroy produce etc.
Another ISM strategy is to try and disable Israeli security tactics. One of the newer ones is to try and suggest that when the IDF uses tear gas to avoid lethality in controlling weekly Arab rioters, the gas is really deadly and must be stopped altogether. The real reason for this inversion about tear gas is the Palestinians and their ISM lackeys hope they can make it impossible for the IDF to control the weekly riots such as in Bi’ilin, riots Kayla was a part of.
“Oppression greets us from all angles”, she wrote. “Oppression wails from the soldiers radio and floats through tear gas clouds in the air. Oppression explodes with every sound bomb and sinks deeper into the heart of the mother who has lost her son. But resistance is nestled in the cracks in the wall, resistance flows from the minaret 5 times a day and resistance sits quietly in jail knowing its time will come again. Resistance lives in the grieving mother’s wails and resistance lives in the anger at the lies broadcasted across the globe. Though it is sometimes hard to see and even harder sometimes to harbor, resistance lives. Do not be fooled, resistance lives,” Kayla concluded in her letter.
Kayla Mueller, leftozoid idiot and aider and abetter of Paleostinian terror groups. Mueller was not the heroine MSM made her out to be. Mueller was part of the problem.
This certainly doesn’t sound like a tireless “aid worker”. Instead, it connotes a supporter of Palestinian Arab terrorist groups. Her praise of the muezzin calls and “resistance” suggests she’s on the side of the worldwide jihad, not viewing all human beings, even Jews, as having the same rights.
Kayla Mueller made it clear she was involved in the weekly riots in Bi’ilin. She wrote of Arabs who died at the hands of the IDF, due to non lethal tear gas usage as if that resulted in several members of the same family who she roomed with dying. Rachel Corrie did the same thing, creating a story for the ISM of protecting an Arab family from IDF bulldozers. One family daughter Kayla guested with died in her own home, not at a demonstration. The fact was the woman was very ill, with leukemia and other internal infections. As in good ISM tactics, her corpse then became another propaganda tool. But like any good ISM activist, Kayla Mueller didn’t let this stand in the way of her propaganda letter home:
“And now just today, the daughter of the Rahmah family, Jawaher, has been asphyxiated from tear gas inhalation. Jawaher was not even participating in the weekly demonstration but was in her home approximately 500 meters away from where the tear gas canisters were being fired (by wind the tear gas reaches the village and even the nearby illegal settlement often). There is currently little information as to how she suffocated but the doctor that attended her said a mixture of the tear gas from the IDF soldiers and phosphorus poisoned her lungs causing asphyxiation, the stopping of the heart and death this afternoon after fighting for her life last night in the hospital. The following is a clip from today showing hundreds of Palestinians, Israelis and international activist carrying her body to her families (sic) home where they said their final goodbyes.”
The IDF doesn’t use phosphorous in the West Bank. The ISM always claims it does. It’s good for propaganda.
“This family has a tragic story, but it is the story of life in Palestine. Thank you for reading. Ask me questions and ask yourself questions but most importantly, question the answers. Forever in solidarity, Kayla”, she concluded.
Kayla Mueller came from Prescott, Arizona where she once volunteered at a women’s shelter. Instead of continuing to help those who needed it in America, she chose to take the ISM’s revolutionary path and to embrace part of the worldwide jihad and she died for it, tragically. But she was no true altruist. She sought “freedom” working to support fascist groups that provide just the opposite for their people and she paid the ultimate price for that choice."
Our media will NEVER present it as such, but Kayla Mueller has simply joined the ever growing row of wannabe world betterers abused by extremist muslim organizations who tricked the doofuses to their untimely deaths as expendable pawns in their anti-western propaganda efforts. The best well known do-gooder of these is of course Rachel Corrie, but there are quite a few others. One of them was a certain Vittorio Arrigoni, an Italian communist and "peace" activist. Like Mueller, he was a member of the International Solidarity Movement. Tremendously upset as he was with the Gazans' plight, he went there in 2008 and on his blog, Guerrilla Radio, lamented their situation and glorified their "martyrs". It does not seem to have occurred to him that if the Gazans, after the IDF in 2005 forced Jewish settlers manu militari from their homes in the Gaza Strip, had set about building a workable society instead of attacking yet again the Jewish State, there would not have been a "need" for his presence. Anyway, one day Arrigoni was kidnapped by salafist extremists, tortured, and murdered. Hamas did arrest 4 salafists, and a "court" sentenced two to life imprisonment. But already in February 2013 this was reduced to 15 years. Despite the fact that Arrigoni had been brutally strangled, "lawyer" Mohammed Zaqut "asked in our appeal for the conviction for murder and abduction to be dropped to only abduction". Call me a nasty person, but I fear those 15-year sentences are as likely to run their full measure as Kim Kardashian to grow a brain.
But as cruel as it may seem, even if Mueller had lived, the rest of her life would probably haven't been a rosy experience either. Check out this article about sexual exploitation by "idealistic" leftist western women and feminists (prolly an oxymoron) who discover what a real 'War on Women' looks like:
"...Numerous other leftist Western women who have come to the West Bank to protest Israel’s security fence and to confront Israeli soldiers and police have also been sexually abused and molested by the very Palestinians they came to support. A leftist local blogger reports that these Western women are raped by the Palestinians “day after day, night after night.”
The embarrassing secrets of Palestinian molestations of their Western solidarity supporters are coming out of the closet. The radical Left has been hiding the reports of sexual abuse, lest they blemish the terrorist cause. In a report published by one radical activist: “Roni Aloni Sedovnik, a feminist activist, penned an article in News1 – an independent website run by respected investigative reporter Yoav Yitzchak – under the heading “The Left’s Betrayal of Female Peace Activists Who were Sexually Assaulted.” She goes on to describe the molestation as: “A dark secret that threatens to smash the basic ideological values upon which the demand to end the occupation of the Territories rests.”
Aloni Sedovnik stressed that these are not isolated incidents, but an ongoing general pattern of abusive behavior by Palestinians against the very Western women who have come to support them. Sedovnik also accused radical Israeli feminists of sweeping the information about the abuses under the rug, lest it diminish world support for the Palestinian cause beloved by those feminists.
According to the local leftist blogger cited above:
It is not a matter of rape to satisfy lust. They are done systematically in order to impregnate the girl, and then to marry her, after she converts to Islam. Of course, we know about this method from girls who underwent a similar process inside Israel and escaped to Europe, but it is hard to escape from the [Palestinian] territories. Sometimes these women, some of whom are already older women, are not allowed to leave their homes unaccompanied, in order to prevent their escape. If someone doubts my words…please, check the statistics for entries and departures, and you will discover that a large portion of female leftist activists did not leave the country. Everyone knows about it, but nobody dares to talk about it…I ran into a few Norwegian girls married to Palestinians. They are not happy. Their lives were destroyed. Their families have broken off contact with them. They have no place to return to. They are deep in the raising of children and wish to die."
Is my opinion harsh?
It is.
But in case you didn't notice it yet, there's a war going on, long cold but now getting hotter by the day, and we won't win it by being nice.