Saturday, February 07, 2015


All the turmoil in the world would make people overlook the Alberto Nisman case. But check out the following article by Rick Moran. Via American Thinker:

"An Argentina prosecutor who, last week, accused top government officials of covering up Iranian involvement in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires was found dead in his apartment.

Alberto Nisman conducted an investigation during which he discovered that the Argentine government – including the former president, husband of the current president – deliberately hid evidence of the involvement of top Iranian officials in the bombing. In exchange, the Iranians granted oil concessions to the energy-starved country.

The cover-up continues to this day with another quid-pro-quo deal involving the current president, where Argentina sold wheat to the Iranians. Cristina Kirchner, widow of former president Nestor Kirchner, has been accused of facilitating the deal and had complete knowledge of Iranian involvement in the terror attack.

What is it that Nisman has on Kirchner, and did it get him killed? The reason I hesitate to definitively say that this was an assassination is that the investigation was botched to begin with (the original judge was thrown off the case for bias and bribery; he was impeached in 2005), and Nisman himself may have been mentally unbalanced.

This is an account of the charges explained by Nisman in a radio interview a few days ago:

In a radio interview on Thursday, a day after filing the case, Nisman ratified his accusations against president Cristina Fernández. “From all the phone tapping records, which were verified, we proved that two months after the death of (former president) Néstor Kirchner (…) Argentina made a 180-degree turn in its foreign policy.”

The prosecutor went on: “(The Executive) decided to approach Iran geopolitically (…) they wanted to establish full diplomatic relations, and more importantly, a commercial trade due to the energy crisis that Argentina faced.”

Nisman has accused the government of improving its relation with Tehran in order to obtain oil and to boost grain exports at the expense of covering up Iranian officials' involvement in the bombing.

He explained that the special prosecutor's office was established by former president Nestor Kirchner in 2004 and began its work in 2005. He pointed out that at the time, the then Foreign Minister Rafael Bielsa had received a proposal by Iran to exculpate the suspects in the attack.

“Bielsa said so very clearly: we have received an offer from the Iranians to buy wheat for 4bn dollars, a very beneficial economic offer, in exchange we have to state that the prosecutor’s complaint was all a mistake and void it,” Nisman said.

However, the prosecutor said that ex president Kirchner had nothing to do with those offers. “(Nestor Kirchner) always said ‘this is a Judicial issue, get out of here'.”

“The president decided to give impunity to Iran, to exculpate (the suspects) in the probe, so they would no longer be under investigation. All the decisions were taken by her. All the talks (recorded in phone taps) relate to her (…) She was aware of everything and (Foreign Minister Hector Timerman) did not move without the president’s consent,” he said.

Many observers thought it fishy when the Argentine government suddenly dropped the notion of Iranian involvement in 2012. But by this time, the evidence had been mishandled, the investigation had gone off the rails, and no one could sort through the corruption and incompetence of the police who handled the inquiry. Several local police went on trial in 2004 in connection with the bombing, and all were acquitted.

The FBI, who investigated the case with Argentina authorities, believes that the attack on the center was a s

The FBI, who investigated the case with Argentina authorities, believes that the attack on the center was a suicide bombing carried out by a Hezb'allah operative, Ibrahim Hussein Berro, who had connections to the Iranian government. But the physical evidence in the case was so mishandled that it is doubtul that any conviction will be forthcoming.

(Note: There is a plaque in southern Lebanon honoring Berro as a martyr, with the date of his death coinciding with the suicide bombing of the Jewish community center.)..."

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The AMIA Building (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina) after the attack. The handiwork of the Religion of Peace.

"We have proven that the decision for the July 18, 1994, attack against AMIA that caused 85 deaths and wounded at least 151 was a decision taken by high-ranking authorities of Iran's government at that time." - Alberto NISMAN.

Via Frank CS:

"... In the (Nisman) report, Nisman gave evidence of Iran's "intelligence and terrorist network" in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Surinam – among others.

Nisman said new evidence underscored the responsibility of Mohsen Rabbani, the former Iranian cultural attache in Argentina, as mastermind of the AMIA bombing and "coordinator of the Iranian infiltration of South America, especially in Guyana".

Nisman said US court documents showed Islamist militant Abdul Kadir – who was sentenced to life in prison in 2010 for participating in a foiled plan to attack John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York – was Rabbani's disciple.

Kadir "received instructions" from Rabbani "and carried out the Iranian infiltration in Guyana, whose structure was nearly identical ... to that established by Rabbani in Argentina," the prosecutor wrote.

Nisman urged Interpol to intensify its efforts to execute the arrest warrants against Imad Fayez Moughnieh, Ali Fallahijan, Mohsen Rabbani, Ahmad Reza Asghari, Ahmad Vahidi and Mohsen Rezai..."

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While we are at it, you might want to check out former Argentine president Carlos Menem, who has also been accused of obstructing the investigations into the AMIA bombing.

Carlos Menem's parents were from Syria and ...

... sunni muslims.


PS: yes, I know Menem is a convert to Christianity. I also know he did that for political reasons.