"In video footage, the man accused of being at the centre of the Bradford plot, Faisal Khan, describes how he and his colleagues have worked for a “number of years” to “change the headteacher” at schools in the city, adding: “We have to do that for every single school… we have to be there, on governing bodies, because that’s what it’s all about...It’s time we took these schools back.”
Mr Khan, a councillor formerly for George Galloway’s Respect party, now sitting as an independent, insisted last night that his sole motive in removing head teachers was driving up standards and said he had no wish to “Islamise” schools.
Mr Khan, the BMEF head, is chairman of governors at Carlton Bolling, a large, mainly Muslim but secular secondary school in Bradford. He was also a governor at Laisterdyke, another large secular school in the city, until last month, when he and all Laisterdyke’s other governors were fired by the council.
Staff at both schools said Mr Khan had led both sets of governors in “constant attacks” on their headteachers to drive them out and had succeeded at Carlton Bolling, where two successful non-Muslim headteachers have quit."
More from The Daily Mail Online, May 3:
Pupils at a school affected by the alleged plot freely praise terrorism, are segregated by gender, and are taught women must obey their husbands, it has been claimed. Park View School in Birmingham allegedly failed to challenge the views of pupils who praised suicide bombers in the 9/11 and 7/7 atrocities.
Staff also taught that wives are ‘not allowed’ to refuse sex with their husbands, and that women belong in the kitchen, the Association of British Humanists said. The organisation – which says it was told of the practices by former employees – also said girls were made to sit at the back of classes, and ignored when they tried to answer questions.
Park View denied the allegations, and said the idea it supports terrorism is ‘abhorrent’.
Oh really? If you would have told an Englishman only twenty years ago that a good deal of schools in Bradford would look like this around 2014:
.... he'd think you'd gone totally nuts.
This is Lindsey Clark, Park View's former Head Principal, who resigned around one month ago after she had been reduced to a figurehead without real power by her muslim staff:
Mrs. Clark was a very respected executive head of Park View, one of the Birmingham schools targeted in the muslim "Trojan Horse" coup. She is the fifth non-Muslim headteacher to leave one of the schools linked to the plot since late October 2013. The others are Balwant Bains (Saltley), Tina Ireland (Regent's Park), Bhupinder Kondal (Oldknow), and Peter Slough (Small Heath). There would actually be yet another one, Golden Hillock's Matthew Scarrott, which would make Mrs. Clark actually the sixth executive head forced out by muslims.
Mrs Clark was actually awarded the OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 2013 for her efforts to take Park View to the highest Ofsted ranking, “outstanding,” in 2012. Ofsted, or Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, is the non-ministerial government department of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools In England (HMCI). She told Ofsted inspectors probing her school in March that she had been marginalised by Tahir Alam, the hardline chair of governors at Park View, and the school’s principal, effectively its number two, Mohammed “Moz” Hussain. Not surprisingly, the school’s leadership and management have now been dropped to “inadequate” by Ofsted in a report expected soon.
A former department head at Park View, Nigel Sloan, says he witnessed Mohammed Hussain giving “mind-blowing anti-Western propaganda” assemblies to pupils at the school, including claims that the Americans were “the evil in the world” and “the cause of all famine.” As of April, Hussain was the prime candidate to replace Mrs Clark.
Here is a recent pic of Tahir Alam, scumbag muslim infiltrator:
And OF COURSE, in my own country, NOT A PEEP. Over at De Standaard, in De Morgen or Le Soir, or in het Laatste Nieuws, or on Belgian TV, whether it's VTM or Eén or whatever, crickets are chirping.
News like this makes a farce of the idiots' multiculti walhalla, you know. And they can't have that. The fiction has to be maintained at all cost.
In other news, last weekend the Austrian 'woman with a beard', Conchita Wurst, formerly Tom Neuwirth, won the yearly Eurovision Song Contest. Conhita's 'hit' was called 'Rise like a Phoenix'. Personally, I stopped watching the Eurovision Song Festival at age, lemme think, 7 or so, so I'm not really up to date anymore with regards to what kind of bands are being sent by their respective countries. But I have it from trustworthy sources that Conchita won not because 'Rise like a Phoenix' is SUCH a tremendously catchy wonderful marvellous number but because Conchita is so goddam COOL, you know, and she's MAKING A STATEMENT...
Indeed, Conchita is battling for 'Love and Acceptance'. Now, De Standaard is doing its very best to not be aware of what's happening in public schools in Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, East London and whatever, BUT they did pick up a heartwarming statement from Conchita with regards to Putin who recently masterminded 'anti gay laws':
Asked by the moderator what he/she had to say about that, Conchita expressed the hope that Putin would be watching and then exclaimed 'You can't stop us'.
In the De Standaard offices, as in those of the state-run Belgian TV (where being gay is something like a conditio sine qua non if you want to join the 'work' force, but I digress), they were swooning and fainting by the dozens.
In the Kremlin, Putin almost killed himself. From laughter, that is. Only when Medvediev managed to ram the neck of a bottle of Stolichnaya Vodka in his piehole, in between hysterical fits, did he slowly regain control of himself.
My. God.
Taking the runaway demographic explosion/immigration of muslims in Europe into account, as well as the apparently irrepressible urge of our moral betters to promote lifestyles that don't produce offspring, it's hard to stay optimistic.
This was Outlaw Mike, reporting from the world's biggest Open Air Lunatic Asylum. Over and out.