In a flying pig moment, the socialist mayor Alain Yzermans, deemed the deliberate obstruction of the neighborhood in the arrest of a criminal suspect strong enough to set in motion a so-called Police Intervention Plan, which authorised the deployment of no less than 80 (eighty) police officers. This relatively massive show of force was met with widespread rioting in the neighborhood, in the course of which several police officers were wounded, one of them suffering a fractured skull.
One of the rioters filmed the events and put it on YouTube. At first everything seems quiet, but from the 5'30'' mark things get interesting. The police vehicles leave the neighborhood and are pelted with stones by the muslim scum. One of the drivers, an officer from nearby Lummen, was hit by a stone at the head and crashed first against a streetlight, then against a house, in the process suffering a cracked skull.
All this accompanied by the jubilant cheers of the followers of the prophet of course.
Here are some blurred but atmospheric stills from the incident:
After the riots, Police Corps Chief Jean-Paul Lucas stated in a press conference that after the police van had crashed and the driver, with a life-threatening skull injury, lay wedged against the steering wheel, the young (turks) tried to get hold of his service gun.
There's several more 'interesting' angles about this story, not least the mind-boggling reaction of Flemish Interior Minister Geert Bourgeois (NVA) to a series of questions posed by Filip Dewinter (Vlaams Belang) in (Flemish) parliament regarding the riots. Bourgeois said - I kid you not - that urban planning in the Meulenberg neighborhood should be studied, since it may have played a role in the 'obvious' segregation there.
Golly, yeah! IF ONLY traffic lights, preferably red all the time, had been installed at the intersection of Bremstraat and Kerklaan instead of a roundabout!!! IF ONLY Wildrozenlaan had been triangular in shape and not like an arc, and IF ONLY Acaciastraat and Gagelstraat had been intersecting at forty-five degrees instead of thirty, THEN there might have been not riots according to Bourgeois!!!
As has been demonstrated time and again, muslim immigrants don't give a rat's ass whether there are criminals among them. On these pages I have several times remarked that when we westerners hear about one of 'our' criminals being arrested, or shot down or whatever, our reaction is invariably 'good riddance'. Not so muslims. They close ranks and clearly consider the perpetrator as one of their own, and when police intervene, as a hero even. It's a simple truth that completely eludes our poltically correct moral betters.
Another simple truth for which we have to thank them is that you can be DAMN SURE that most turkish households in neighborhoods like Meulenberg possess illegal firearms - despite Belgium's stringent anti-gun laws, closely observed by the meek autochton population. If ever things get REALLY HOT, and THEY WILL at some point in the future, we native Belgians will be as defenseless as the sheep the followers of the prophet now slaughter so eagerly - often illegally by the way - in this period of ramadan.
Mark my words.
Will you excuse me now, I have to puke.
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