"If you're reading this, you've almost made it through the Obama years. God knows it hasn't been easy holding on this long. If you're like me, there were days you felt as if you'd aged ten years, just trying to bitterly cling to your leaky life raft. Maybe you're one of the 23 million Americans who are unemployed, under-employed, or who have given up looking for work. Who can blame you for despairing, when two-thirds of the jobs in the last four years have gone to new immigrants, many of them illegals? But don't worry if, like one out of six Americans, you're sinking into poverty -- after all, Obama assures us that "the private sector is doing fine." Maybe you or someone you love is serving in our military. Your lives have been endangered by Obama's disastrous rules of engagement, with 70% of the fatalities in Afghanistan occurring during his term. Every day, you wake up to a commander-in-chief so indifferent to your needs that he let four American heroes die, unaided, in a seven-hour terror attack in Benghazi. Making matters unbearably worse, he watched the assault live. But, rest assured, Obama thinks you make "a pretty good photo op," even if your slaughter is "not optimal."
Or perhaps you lost the business you started with your blood, sweat, and tears, or that your family had nurtured for generations. Like Bill's Barbecue, an 82-year-old local institution in Richmond, Virginia, you had to fire all your hardworking employees, disappoint your loyal customers, and shut the doors for good. If you owned one of 200,000 small businesses that vanished between 2008 and 2010, wiping out more than three million jobs, Obama won't be sending you a sympathy card anytime soon. After all, the ex-community organizer preaches, "... you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."
Are you a doctor who worries about losing your medical practice when ObamaCare roars into full effect? You spent your youth studying and taking on massive debt for medical school so you could dedicate your life to helping others. Now, facing 2,700 pages of ObamaCare regulations, you're one of 360,000 physicians who plan on "leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if ObamaCare stands. That's 45% of working doctors! Of course, Obama won't be sorry to see you go. This is the guy who claims that "... doctors would rather take out tonsils than treat a sore throat because it pays better" and "... doctors would rather cut off legs for $50,000 than take care of a diabetic before it got to this point."
The casualties, the miseries, the torments add up. One and a half million senior citizens losing their homes to foreclosure...half of college graduates can't find full-time jobs...net worth of families plunging 40%...the ratio of new food stamp recipients to new net jobs skyrocketing to 75 to 1...violent crime up by 18%...America's credit rating downgraded for the first time in history.
And at the center of our nightmare lurks the peculiar character now residing in the people's house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We can see him only through his media-induced saintly glow -- yet we have come to know him all too well. He shimmers before our disbelieving eyes, a self-described piece of "eye candy" with dead fish hands, framed by Greek columns.
The grieving father of slain Benghazi hero Tyrone Woods described meeting Obama at Andrews Air Force Base, when his son's casket arrived from Libya. "Shaking hands with him, quite frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he would not look me in the eye, his eyes were over my shoulder...I could tell that he was not sorry. He had no remorse."
Several days after the casket ceremony, Obama materialized on The View to modestly proclaim he was there just as "eye candy." The ladies on The View swooned, but the American people turned away in disgust. Their dream of hope and change had morphed into a nightmare. And now, their passionate new dream was to stampede to the voting booth on November 6 and vote the nightmare over.
Predictably, now that Obama is fated to vaporize like a bad dream, the ugliness behind his persona is swarming to the forefront. His followers threaten us with violence in expensive campaign commercials that degrade anyone who sees them. Their images are explicitly nightmarish: zombies who will eat our flesh, old people who will castrate us for eternity. Bill Maher, who donated one million dollars to Obama's campaign, just warned us, "If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are, and they will come after you."
I find it so fitting that Obama is ending his reign by exhorting his followers to get "revenge." Right from the start, the smiling messiah was always surrounded by a pulsating aura of violence. "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," he said. And "my administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks." And "we're going to punish our enemies and reward our friends."
And so, as the date of Obama's electoral humiliation nears, the Twitter-verse is exploding with riot threats. Many of these illiterate curses are echoing the debased language of "Special Adviser to the President" Kareem Dale. Ordinary Americans now worry, with good reason, that violence will be unleashed against us as punishment for waking up from our Hopium illusions.
Whatever happens, be strong and of good courage. The man who set out to "fundamentally transform" the country, accompanied by a wife who had never been proud of America, can no longer hypnotize us into doing his will.
Our long Obama nightmare is almost over. The restoration of the American dream is about to begin."
I will believe it when I see it. I am numb with incomprehension that after 4 years of Epic Failure this creep is still in a neck on neck race.
For God's sake, if you are an American, vote this DISASTER out of the White House.
Romney and Obama are not in a close race at all. Just looking at the turn out alone at rallies shows that Obama has lost his popularity big time. The leftard media are fudging the data and using a higher percentage of democrats to turn out better poll numbers for Obama. You can't try and win the election through grand voter fraud if people are going to be suspicious if Obama wins by a close margin. If Obama's real poll numbers were posted, then people would scream voter fraud if he brought home a win.
I can't see Obama and his communist minions allowing him to lose or at least make it very difficult for anyone other than a communist to take the reigns.
One can hope it is God's plan to rid America of this muslim usurper, but God is big on bringing His people to their knees and repentance before giving them the time of day.
Egads. Obama is doing well. Stupid is as stupid does. Obviously the number of brainwashed nutjob voters in the U.S. will have to learn their lesson the hard way, and we will all have to go down the sh*tter with them. History continues to repeat itself over and over and over. I don't think I will be able to bear to listen to Americans complain about Obama after this election. I will post prophecy from Daniel if Obama wins.
Obama in prophecy - two versions. Obama to a tee.
Daniel 8:23-25 New International Version
"In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power."
Daniel 8:23:25 Ferrar Fenton Translation
“And at the end of those kingdoms, when the offences are expiated, a king of fierce expression and who understands policy will arise, with mighty power,--but not his own power,--and be wonderfully corrupt, but prosper, and be energetic and destroy the mighty and Holy People. And his policy and diplomacy will increase with his power, so that he will enlarge himself to his own mind, and destroy many by treachery,--Then he will stand up against the PRINCE OF PRINCES,--and be broken without a hand!
It should have been a landslide for Romney, with Obama needing to borrow monies for his campaign, low turnout on his campaign trail, line ups to vote lasting hours, but the voter numbers down - smells like a rat. Americans vote without providing any ID in most States and can vote numerous times if know names of people who haven't voted. This isn't even mentioning the many problems with these voter machines - changing votes, having to be reset, down for hours, etc.
Could anyone expect such a corrupt man to play fair - the Liar-In-Chief.
"As the largest election results reporting company in the US, SOE provides reports right down to the precinct level. But before going anywhere else, those election returns are routed to individual, company servers where the people who run them “…get ‘first look’ at results and the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.” In short, “this redirects results …to a centralized privately held server which is not just for Ohio, but national; not just USA-based, but global.”"
"Nevertheless, in spite of warnings by experts across the nation, American soldiers overseas will once again vote via the internet in 2012. And because SCYTL will control the method of voting and—thanks to the purchase of SOE–the method of counting the votes as well, there “…will be no ballots, no physical evidence, no way for the public to authenticate who actually cast the votes…or the count.”"
"It has also been claimed that SCYTL CEO Pere Valles is a socialist who donated heavily to the 2008 Obama campaign and lived in Chicago during Obama’s time as Illinois State Senator."
Mike - I realise how disheartening the re election of a complete vapid stooge like Obamao is to many. It wasn't a surprise to me though. If one does enough research one sees that the 2 party system is really different variations of one. The GOP keeps picking loser candidates, and if a real candidate like Ron Paul, shows signs of surging, they cheat, manipulate, do whatever they have to in order to shut him out. In the end the Illuminati vision of dialectic - real or illusory- makes sure that only their puppet gets the job.I am now a political atheist - I don't subscribe to any political ideology because it's all a charade and corrupt. The real problem is the desertion of the West from God and His principles, ethics, and morals. Until we elect leaders and governments of godly people, this mess will only get worse as the NWO, Illuminati, Luciferian elites, will accelerate their agenda.
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