Wednesday, March 14, 2012


On Tuesday evening at around 9pm a Belgian bus carrying 52 people crashed into a concrete wall in a tunnel on the A9 highway in Switzerland, near the town of Sierre. The bus carried mostly schoolchildren, most of them around 12 years old, and they were returning to Belgium following a ski class in Switzerland, which is common practice in Belgian schools this time of the year.

Thus far there are 28 fatalities.

22 of them are children. 7 of them are Dutch. This is because the victims are a.o. from a school in Lommel, which is near the Dutch border.

As a parent, a father of two kids, who my wife and I love passionately, I can't even begin to comprehend the agony the parents of the victims must now go through. Now. At this very moment. I do not think that in their situation, I would be able to cope. I'm pretty sure of that.

There are no words for this. The carnage was horrifying. Even the hardened Swiss rescue teams had trouble coping with the scene from hell.

I... would like to ask for your thoughts and prayers. To the relatives of the victims we offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences.