Didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, the number of lunatics in this world is steadily increasing.
Then it was off to Poland.
When we got back, I stumbled upon this:
Via urbangrounds.com, but there are a lot of other blogs reporting on the TRUTH behind the Texas Xmas shootings.
In short, that truth is that the killer madman was a MUSLIM, that he could cope neither with his westernized family nor with the fact that his daughter was dating a dirty INFIDEL. So he did what he had to do - according to the muslims' Great Example, that old perverted paedophile scumbag named Mohammed. KILL HER. And with her, his family.
Now, how did Belgian whorenalists report on the story?
Same ol', same ol'. Just one example, Het Laatste Nieuws:
Not a fucking word about the REAL ISSUE, not even the to be carefully avoided 'M-word' or 'I-word': the evil politico-religious doctrine of islam at work. Now, that was the cream of Belgian reporters. Now over to the general populace. Accompanying this article were the reactions of eight people. I don't know what I find more appalling:
1.) A remark, Kortrijk.
'They should urgently add a manual to those handguns you know. 'First look in the barrel and pull the trigger, before you point the gun on other people.'
Offensive? Not done? Tell us. 27/12/11 16h28
2.) maja konecke
'As a result of overpopulation this will only happen more often, you ain't seen nothing yet!'
Offensive? Not done? Tell us. 26/12/11 18h40
3.) Kansarax Buda, Erps-Kwerps
'And still there's people who are pro the public selling of guns... To them I say: read last month's stories... Is that what we want??'
Offensive? Not done? Tell us. 26/12/11 18h25
4.) Honest meaning, Ghent
'What a world. All the time more violence and less punishment for this violence. A downward spiral.'
Offensive? Not done? Tell us. 26/12/11 16u10
5.) wim janssens, Westerlo
copycat. This happened a few years back in the Promised Land.
Offensive? Not done? Tell us. 26/12/11 11u14
6.) Marc Spandel, Sint-Niklaas
'Since it is in America, the 'gifts' could have been the loaded handguns themselves because the murders occurred right after opening the packages... Maybe this was about a deliberately created drama between rivals whereby the onlookers too had to give up their lives.'
Offensive? Not done? Tell us. 26/12/11 09u19
7.) jefke fonske, Tremelo
'You always have to pay attention with what you buy for someone (best beforehand establish the amount you will spend etc)'
Offensive? Not done? Tell us. 26/12/11 07u49
8. Gee Bee, Bonheiden
'thus the question is: who committed suicide?'
Offensive? Not done? Tell us.26/12/11 07u32
I honestly don't know what is more "Offensive". The almost criminal negligence and distortion of the truth by our MSM for politically correct reasons...
... or the mind-blowing stupidity, childishness and completely misplaced 'know-it-all' attitude of what you can be sure is a representative sample of the average Belgian population. Each and every of those utterly silly remarks is testimony to a horrifying lack of knowledge about the background of the killer, to a gruesome prejudice against Americans and their 2nd Amendment, and to a gullibility that would make informed readers despair.
One throws in a stupid 'joke'. Another one is convinced it's the Earth's overpopulation. No. 5 sees fit to throw in an antisemitic line for chrissake ('this happened a few years back in the Promised Land'). For yet another one it's once more proof of the stupidity to allow Americans to bear their own arms. There's a Sherlock Holmes with a conspiration theory. And to top it off a doofus with a completely irrelevant question.
.... While the simple and horrible truth is that once more, islam's teachings have been at work here.
The ignorance is breathtaking. A decent press that would report honestly and offer sincere in-depth analysis, would in time yield a smart and objective readership. The above sample is a good measure for what we have got instead. Idiots who are as clueless as they are mindless.