Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Via Galliawatch:

"(...) In Limoges, there was on Friday an almost unbelievable spectacle in the downtown area between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. A man, with a megaphone, called for a civil war, a jihad. He cited Christine Tasin, declared that there were between 10 and 15 million Muslims in France, incited them to rise up against the French whom he called "scum", blamed September 11 on the Jews, called the law banning the burka racist, affirmed that he did not recognize our criminal code, incited Muslims to burn it, etc... a speech, heard by several dozen disciples, that must have terrified the peaceful residents of this city. And as if that weren't enough, they had to suffer through a demonstration with slogans demanding the right to wear the scarf and the burka."

Meanwhile, French muslims continue their two-pronged attack to turn France into an islamic country within two decades. On the one hand, muslim youth gangs torch cars in each and every French city every night, with the aim of terrorizing the authochton Frenchmen and creating no-go zones for the police. Below is just a daily tidbit from the city of Alençon, 26 september:


"C’est finalement dix véhicules, et non sept, qui ont été la proie des flammes dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, à Alençon. Six ont brûlé place Marguerite de Lorraine, face à l’hôpital. Et trois autres, ainsi qu’un partiellement, rue Victor Hugo, au cœur du quartier populaire de Perseigne. L’enquête a été confiée à la police judiciaire, qui va tenter d’exploiter les traces retrouvées sur place.


"Finally 10 cars, and not seven, have fallen prey to flames in the night of Friday to Saturday in Alençon. Six were torched on the Place Marguerite de Lorrains, in front of the hospital. And three others (plus one partially) in the rue Victor Hugo, in the heart of Perseigne neighborhood. The investigation has been trusted to the judicial police, which will try to exploit traces found on the spot."

In the two-pronged muslim attack to destroy France, the youths constitute the hammer. But the anvil is the relentless pressure applied by the so-called "moderate" muslims. The youths are keeping the pressure on the lid. But the "moderates" are letting demographics and leftist collaboration do the work, then claim they need extra space for the faithful. If permission and government money to construct new mosques is not forthcoming quick enough, they hold prayer sit-ins in the streets.

This is from the same city of Alençon:


Les quatre lieux de culte alençonnais sont tous régulièrement saturés lors de la prière du vendredi. L'Amar vient de faire refaire, cet été, une partie des peintures et de l'électricité des salles de prières et d'ablutions de la mosquée de l'ouverture, qui laissaient à désirer. Et d'y installer une cuisine aménagée, pour des festivités comme le Ramadan.

Des travaux nécessaires, pour le secrétaire de l'association Amar. « Mais on continue à chercher un terrain constructible pour une future mosquée. On en avait trouvé un, il y a un an, mais le propriétaire a fini par refuser de peur de ne pas vendre les terrains voisins à cause de la proximité de la mosquée ». Du côté de la mairie, on est favorable au projet, « sur le principe. Mais la difficulté est de trouver le terrain », reconnaît Ahamada Dibo, adjoint à l'urbanisme et à la politique de la ville.


The four prayer facilities in Alençon are all choke-full during friday prayers. Last summer, the Amar organization conducted some refurbisment, namely painting jobs and electricity in the prayer rooms and ablutions, which left to be desired. The kitchen also needed an update, with a view on ramadan.

Necessary works, for Amar's secretary. "But we continue to look out for a building spot for a future mosque. We had found one one year ago, but the proprietor finished by refusing, out of fear of not being able to sell the adjacent grounds because of the proximity of the mosque." The city council has a favorable view on the project, "but the difficulty is finding a suitable spot", says Ahamada Dibo, deputy for urbanism of Alençon.

Ahamada Dibo huh? I s'ppose Jean-Luc Dupont is gone fishing? Or has he perhaps croaked already in his Maison de Repos?

Alençon is a study in microcosm of what islam is doing in the whole of France. Since 2005, muslim mobs have destroyed an estimated 280,000 cars, apart from countless shops, schools, buses, and public infrastructure. On the other hand, very assertive, or rather aggressive behaviour from the "elders" has resulted in a record number of mosques built. The inauguration is often done in the presence of a beaming autochton official, often, but not always, a socialist. Recall that the French PM, François Fillon, from Sarkozy's supposedly "rightwing" party UMP, is making it a sport these days to inaugurate important mosques personally.

France is dying before the world's eyes. If you want to see the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre yet, do it soon.


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