I wonder what inspiration good ole Andersen would get from present day Odense:
Multiculti enrichment courtesy the Religion of Peace, erm, Piss, in Vollsmosen, an Odense neighborhood.
Our friends over at Gates of Vienna have the story:
Live rounds were flying past local policemen in Vollsmose, while trying to assist colleges after a traffic incident. The situation became nasty last night in the Vollsmose suburb Odense when a 19-year old BMW-driver tried to escape the police and then crashed his car. When the ambulance arrived at the scene, the mood was so nasty that some 100 bystanders tried to block the ambulance.
“Finally, the police had to get the driver out of the car and into a patrol car in order to drive him over to the ambulance,” says Chief Inspector Hans Frederiksen of the Funen Police to BT. It escalated to vandalism, and around midnight four cars at the parking lot were set ablaze, including the wrecked car. When two policemen from the Vollsmose precinct arrived, ten shots were fired at them, possibly from an automatic rifle. The shots were fired from a green area some 50 meters away.
“One of our colleagues could actually see the muzzle fire and hear the rounds flying past. This means close proximity, and the shots were surely aimed at the policemen,” says the chief inspector."
Anyway... for conservatives the time has come to make it clear to the left that in the event of a civil war, we will make no distinction between them and muslims. Only when they understand that, they might refrain from opening the gates for these violent hostile masses even further.