"Lesen Sie, wie Polizeiführer derzeit insgeheim auf die Bekämpfung von schweren Unruhen und auf die Zusammenarbeit mit der Bundeswehr in deutschen Städten vorbereitet werden. Von Internierungslagern bis zu Zwangsdurchsagen im Radio wird derzeit alles vorbereitet. Einige der Polizeiführer sprechen ganz offen über den erwarteten »Bürgerkrieg«, den sie mit allen Mitteln abwehren müssen.“
"Read, how police chiefs are secretly being prepared to confront massive unrest [in the cities' no-go zones - MFBB] and how they should cooperate with the German Army. From detaining camps to martial law announcements via radio everything is being prepared. Some police chiefs openly speak about the anticipated "Civil War", which they have to avoid at all cost."
A day in the life of Police in Berlin:
"...They despise everything which doesn't belong to their cultural sphere - German above all, but also Turkish: The parents reject the legal system and this carries over to the children, says Heisig. Help is unwanted. Social workers report to the court that on visiting families they are threatened and spat on.
Work has become risky for the police too. Agents repeatedly face angry crowds, even when they just want to give parking tickets.
A recent example: when a special response unit arrested two con-men in Neukölln on May 6th, a riot started on the street: About 50 people of immigrant background threatened the agents, according to the police report. The situation calmed down only when reinforcements were requested.
Eberhard Schönberg says that it's not a big thing in Berlin anymore since it happens almost every day. The chairman of the GdP Police Union knows of cases in which colleagues had to barricade themselves inside shops. He says that the state's authority is often completely lost here.
Berlin police reports rarely mention the origin of the offender for typical crimes in the community - out of fear of feeding racist resentments. when in April four men committed a brutal attack on a supermarket, only the internal protocol stated that the perpetrators came from Lebanon and that all had been previously convicted for similar crimes...
Given the size and scope of the phenomenon, it's a crying shame - what do I say, a scandal - that there's virtually no coverage in our state-controlled media outlets. And of course there are those who, again, paint Ulfkotte as an obsessed fearmonger who constantly fails, when disclosing "top secret" information, to identify the origin of the news.
In his book, Ulfkotte cites 850 sources.