Thursday, April 02, 2009


A report from the Vlaams Belang website. On March 31, a VB delegation demonstrated against the recognition of yet another mosque by the Ministry of Interior Affairs. Recognition means a.o. that the imams are paid by the Belgian State. In case of financial shortages, the Province will make good the deficit. I am not kidding.

KORTRIJK 31.03.2009 13.07h Around 350 Flemish-nationalists gathered yesterday in Kortrijk to protest the Attakwa mosque's recognition. The mosque's chairman, who has been living in Flanders for 35 years, only speaks arabic and French. The biggest prayer house [in the provinces of East and West Flanders - MFBB] can accomodate 1,500 people and is led by an imam who only speaks arabic. As if that is not enough already, the people of Kortrijk will in addition shortly receive a minaret.

This affair was reason enough for Vlaams Belang to peacefully demonstrate against the increasing islamization of our cities. A short demonstration illustrated our party's demands. Immigrant rioters threw stones and sticks to our demonstrators. They were backed up by MP's Philippe De Coene (Socialist Party) and Bart Caron (ex-Spirit, now Groen!]

It is obvious that in West Flanders too, it's five to twelve. After Kortrijk, Waregem and Ostend will, too, shortly have an official mosque - thus financed with your taxpayer money. All traditional parties AND Lijst Dedecker voted FOR the Ostend mosque. Who stops the madness?

Thus, by beginning to finance mosques on a grand scale, Belgium follows the lead of France, Sweden, The Netherlands etc etc etc. In an age when Christians and people of other religious beliefs in muslim lands are increasingly persecuted, this development is nothing short of insanity. Sometimes, reality even beats fiction. In Tours, France e.g., recently the first stonelaying of the city's mosque took place. Present was, a.o., the Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs, Bouabdallah Ghlamallah. From The Brussels Journal:

Two French websites – Islamisation, administered by Joachim Véliocas, and Bivouac-Id – have posted reports on the laying of the first stone of the new Grand Mosque of Tours. Notable among the dignitaries present were the Algerian Minister of Religion, the Socialist mayor of Tours, Jean Germain, and… the archbishop of Tours, Monsignor Aubertin.

Tours will have its Grand Mosque when the 5 million euros necessary for its financing have been found – in 3 years, at the earliest. A quarter of the sum has already been collected. The land was purchased by the Paris Mosque, subsidized by Algeria. On November 29, 2008, amidst great ceremony, the first stone was laid. In 732, a Muslim army was defeated outside the city of Tours by Charles Martel and the Franks. The Battle of Tours was one of the most decisive battles in history since it stopped the Islamization of Europe (at least for 13 centuries). Adolf Hitler bitterly regretted that the Muslims had not won in Tours.

The Algerian Minister of Religion, Bouabdallah Ghlamallah made a stopover in Tours to attend the laying of the first stone of the Grand Mosque of Tours, before taking off for Saudi Arabia... a land where the practice of Christianity is forbidden, as in Algeria where spreading it is punishable by heavy fines and prison sentences! But Algeria will contribute up to 490,000 euros towards financing the mosque.

Bouabdallah Ghlamallah distinguished himself earlier in the year through his sense of inter-religious dialogue, so dear to the hearts of French bishops. He closed 10 churches, justifying his actions by saying: “I associate evangelization with terrorism.”

On June 24, 2004, Bouabdallah Ghlamallah denounced the evangelization of Kabyles (Berbers) in Algeria during a press conference in Algiers. He repeated that Islam was the “religion of the State and of all Algerians”, then warned that preaching Christianity would result inevitably in a confrontation: “There will be bloodshed.”

In Europe, ministers are tripping over each other to get mosques where hatred of the West is preached, financed. In the muslim world, churches are being closed on a daily basis. Future historians will have a hard time explaining the collective madness ruling from the North Cape to Gibraltar and from Eire to Budapest.

You may have noted that the mayor of Tours, Jean Germain, is a member of the French Parti Socialiste. But, I suspect you suspected that already.