It happened in Europe.
If you ever wondered how the policies of the EU and of so many European states can possibly be so self-destructive, it's this:
... so many of the rank and file of the May 68 agitators...
... are now Europes Heads of State, Members of Parliament, and party chiefs. Think of Manuel Barroso, EU Chief, a former Maoist. Think of Daniel Cohn-Bendit, ultrahardcore leftist in his youth, now an influential MEP. Think of Joschka Fischer, who made it German Foreign Minister under the Schroeder government. Think of former Belgian Socialist Party Chairman Willy Claes, who even managed to become NATO Secretary General!
When you go to that voting booth on November 4, and you think you are in for a "Change" because you cannot bear with the strong economic growth, low taxes and record low unemployment of the Bush Administration (that is, until Congress turned majority Democrat in 2006), because you cannot stand the successful conclusion of the War on Islamic Terror, and because you cannot live thru yet another year without a successful terror attack on American soil...
... you are apt to get more change than you ever wanted.