Sunday, October 21, 2007


Statue of Godfrey of Bouillon on horseback, BrusselsBetter late than never. Last Thursday and Friday, October 18 and 19, more than 70 organizations and personalities gathered in both the European Parliament and the Flemish Parliament to signal the start of a European network to resist the increasing Islamization of most European countries. Actually, I was amazed that such meetings could be held in the EP and the Flemish Parliament altogether, given the still overwhelming footprint of politically correct politicians in both Halls of Power. I strongly suspect that Vlaams Belang parliamentarians from both the EP and the FP somehow managed to have the tribunes available for what turned out to be an impressive cast. Indeed, speakers included Bat Ye’or, author of Eurabia and Dhimmitude and Jihadwatch's Robert Spencer, author of Religion of Peace? Why Christianity is and Islam Isn’t, and Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity and a former muslim. Furthermore David Littman, UN Human Rights expert, MK (Member of Knesset) Dr. Arieh Eldad, leader of the new Israeli political movement Hatikvah (hope), Sam Solomon, Director of the Fellowship of Faith for Muslims and author of the Charter of Muslim Understanding, Dr. Marc Cogen from Ghent University, Dr. Andrew Bostom, author of The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism, and many more.

If you check out blogs dealing with the subject you will find that several use this photo, which I find a somewhat unfortunate choice. It's an aerial shot from between the two spires of the Koekelberg Basilica, or National Basilica of the Holy Heart (magnificent photo here), one of the world's greatest churches, designed by architect Albert Van Huffel in Art Deco style and built between 1905 and 1970 (!). The blog photo superimposes two islamic crescents on the spires as well as one at what appears to be the end of the Leopold II boulevard. I'm sorry, but imho my choice for an illustration is a better fitting one, see above. The statue on Brussels' Royal Square of Godfrey of Bouillon, the "Belgian" crusader, born around 1060 in Baisy-Thy near Brussels, who together with Bohemund of Normandy , Raymond of Toulouse and Robrecht of Flanders answered Pope Urban II's call to wrestle Jerusalem from Islamic control and set out on the First Crusade in 1096. I am sorry to say that the taking of Jerusalem in 1099 was accompanied by widespread looting, burning and murder (it is said all muslims inside the city walls were killed, including women and children), in which, luckily, Godfrey seems to have taken no part. After several other prominent crusaders refused the title of King of Jerusalem, Godfrey of Bouillon was the logical choice, but while he indeed accepted responsibility, he refused to be named King himself, asking to be called only Defender of the Holy Sepulchre.

Enough about history now, on both meetings anti-islamization experts and activists from fourteen European countries offered reports on the current state of Islamisation and jihadism in their respective nations, as well as on attempts to mount a defense of our Christian-inspired values and hard-fought for constitutional liberties; they were:

from Austria: Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
from Belgium: Filip Dewinter
from the Czech Republic: Matyas Zmo
from Denmark: Lars Hedegaard
from Finland: not disclosed publicly
from France: Nidra Poller
from Germany: Stefan Herre
from Italy: Adriana Bolchini Gaigher
from The Netherlands: Dr. Johannes J.G. Jansen
from Norway: Jens Anfindsen
from Romania: Traian Ungureanu
from Sweden: Ted Ekeroth
from Switzerland: Dr. Arnaud Dotezac
from the United Kingdom: Gerard Batten

Other activists represented Canada, Israel and the United States. I would wager that one of the most impressive US participants was Pamela Geller, from Atlas Shrugs. I hope that she won't hold it against me that I use a photo of her together with Dr. Arieh Eldad, who was for 25 years Chief of the IDF's Medical Corps:

Atlas Shrugs' Pamela Geller and Dr. Eldad

She has an outstanding, very elaborate post on the Counterjihad Conference (which on October 18 went through in the European Parliament and the day after in the Flemish Parliament), provides videos and text fragments and cites many speakers, such as Mrs. Adriana Bolchini Gaiger, Lega Nord politician and organiser of 9/11 commemmoration rallies. Mrs. Gaigher:

Muslims are demanding seperate beaches and restricted use of swimming pools and calls to consider Friday the festive day for Muslims (where it is not even in practice in Islamic countries.) Further demands are being made for 5 pauses for prayer during study and work times which interrupts the rhythms of all other workers and damages the freedom of study and work for the Italian population at large.

Reports of maltreatment of women dominate the newspaper crime reports. These are the ones that come to the attention of the public, but we know the tragedy of Muslim women segregated at home and subjected to ill treatment is so very widespread. Their Calvary begins when they arrive in Italy. They are isolated from the indigenous population are not sent to school, do not learn the language and therefore they cannot communicate with us and cannot ask for assisitance. Not that they would. Terrified to I am sure.

New and hurried construction of mosques has become an emergency, they excpect them as an urgent need and there is not one Italian city that is not affected by this problem. They are not simply mosques but Islamic citadels, catering to their needs from birth to death seperating them from the Italians. The main problem is that these Centers are under the influence of UCLII (unione delle Communita' e Organization Islamiche in Italia) whose President and former secretary Robberto Piccado was investigated for "incitement to to ethni and religious hatred" and "apologism for terrorism". Charges levelled by two paliamentarians.

These meetings are hopefully the start of a Europeanwide awareness of the grave dangers that islamification poses to Europe, not only to its values and liberties, but ultimately also to its cultural and historical heritage as well as its economic and scientific progress. With regards to the latter, the threat posed to them by Islamification may well constitute the most convincing impetus for Europe to stop its pandering to this heinous, alien politico-religious ideology. It may - again - not be the most politically correct thing to say, but throughout Europe we can clearly see that the muslim communities in our midst do not, repeat NOT, provide us with skilled labour and bright scientists. If the demographic trends continue, who then will man Europes factories and laboratories come the year 2050?

I can imagine that leftozoid whackos can live with churches converted into mosques, beheaded 16th-century statues and Botticelli's The Birth of Venus painted over or burnt - because that is the fate of that work if one bad day a muslim becomes Director of Florence's Uffizi Gallery. After all, all cultures are equal except ours which is actually inferior, and those Bamiyan Buddhas were crumbling anyway. But will they accept that our industry crumbles down, not longer producing swell cars and high-tech gizmos? I doubt it.

More info over at the Conference website Counterjihad Europa.

And oh yeah, if you think MFBB is, how do you call that, jumping the shark(?), check out Amsterdam's Intifada. Multiculturalism is dead.