Plus first Christian church in France torched. In
Nice, that's on the mediterranean side of France. Not Nice huh? Ha ha ha. Guess French youths got bored of burning synagogues. I can't even say it was the first Christian church in Europe, since some
150 Serbian-Orthodox churches and monasteries have been pillaged by Kosovar muslims over the past years. Btw,
Kosovo was just bombarded a multicultural, multi-ethnic semi-independent gizmo by the UN - 100,000 Serbs and 2 million Kosovar muslims. I fear the latter have quite another idea of what multiculturalism means though. But OK, more about that church towards the end of this post. First the police stations.
Le colonel Hanset, chef de corps des pompiers de Charleroi, a précisé que les quatre interventions de la nuit de mercredi à jeudi ont été très rapprochées: le premier départ, en direction du poste de police de Lodelinsart, a eu lieu à 21h58; le suivant, quatre minutes plus tard, rue Saint-Gustave à Marchienne-au-Pont où, apparemment, les auteurs se sont trompés de cible: le bâtiment atteint est celui de l'Oeuvre de la Naissance et de l'Enfance, contigu au bureau police et qui a été très gravement endommagé; sept minutes après, un appel signalait un début d'incendie dans le commissariat du Chef-Lieu, à Jumet et huit minutes plus tard, c'était le commissariat de Dampremy qui était visé.

In short, in and around
Charleroi, Belgium, during the night of Wednesday
January 31 to Thursday
February 1,
four police stations were attacked with volleys of molotov cocktails. The first one in
Lodelinsart at 9.58pm. The next one four minutes later in
Marchienne-au-Pont, where the arsonists apparently mistook a local school, The
Work of Birth and Childhood, for the police station. The building was very badly damaged. Seven minutes later, the
Jumet police post was attacked and, 8 minutes after that, the police station at
Damprémy. This was only the worst spat of attacks this week, since the night before, the
Marchienne-au-Pont precinct had been attacked already. Furthermore, during the night of February 2, the
maison communale of
Damprémy was also
attacked with molotov cocktails, luckily without much damage, as well as, strangely enough,
two private houses in La Louvière. Luckily here the proprietors were able to extinguish the flames themselves before the arrival of the fire brigade.
While local judicial authorities - all of
Parti Socialiste signature - at first denied knowledge of any link with the shooting of two criminals the week before, it became clear today that the attacks were indeed payback. If Fwench annoys you, here's an
Expatica link in English. So what happened is that the week before two cops pursued a stolen car and pumped 11 bullets in it. In
Marchienne-au-Pont the car swerved of the road and crashed against a
Belgacom relay cabin (Belgacom is the main Belgian telephone company). When the policemen approached the wreckage,
it appeared the driver, Henaday Numeri (23) was shot dead, and the passenger, Fayssal Hillal (20) gravely wounded. Numeri and Hillal were ethnic Liechtensteiners. Not. Multiculti loons
keep telling us that all cultures are equal, but in my culture, when a white gangster has been shot dead, the overall reaction is, luckily still,
"good riddance". Not so in islamic culture, where it is being proven time and again that young Moroccan and Turkish gangsters are, in fact, role models commanding considerable respect.
And oh, the
procureur du roi is
opening up a homicide investigation against the officer who fired the killing shots. You can't make this stuff up.
Over to France. Intifada in
Les Mureaux, a town an hour driving from Paris. From a French blog with the incongruous name
I Like Your Style:
Les Mureaux (Yvelines, 32 000 hab). 01 février 2007. Emeutes de racailles. 7 policiers blessés. Une centaine de racailles auraient affronté les forces de l’ordre. (LCI)Les “hostilités ont démarré vers 22 heures par l’agression d’automobilistes à coups de fumigènes, de pierres et de pavés par des jeunes des quartiers de la Vigne-Blanche et des Musiciens”
So on the night of
February 1, a group of 100 North African youths harassed scores of automobile drivers by throwing stones and concrete blocks at them in
Les Mureaux, a town of 32,000 in the
Yvelines district. When police arrived the scum turned against them.
Seven officers were wounded.In
Lille, a large industrial town perched on the Franco/Belgian border, there was also an arson attack a police station:
Lille (Nord, 180 000 hab). Mardi 30 janvier 2007. Attaque de poste de police à la voiture enflammée... A l’issue d’un rodéo, une voiture volée a été placée tôt ce matin devant le commissariat de Lille-Sud, puis incendiée volontairement provoquant de sérieux dégâts. D’après les enquêteurs, il pourrait d’agir d’une vengeance. Récemment plusieurs jeunes du quartier ont été interpellés pour toute une série de vols et d’agressions.
So on Tuesday,
January 30, after a rodeo with a stolen car, the driver parked it in front of a police precinct and set it on fire, causing considerable damage to the station. Investigators think it's a vengeance act, because recently several youths from the quarter were arrested after a string of robberies and abuses. Sniff some of the drab atmosphere people. This is Eurabia: