Saturday, July 09, 2005


Some of us asked, after the tragedy inflicted in London on July 7 by zealots of the Religion of Peace ™, how long it would take before Blair, and by extension Bush, would get the blame for what happened.

Not long.

Page 4, special "De Standaard" issue, July 8 2005. "De Standaard" is the leading Flemish newspaper and, since Flanders is the biggest part of Belgium in terms of population and wealth, it is thus also the leading Belgian newspaper. Fat header in bold with large capitals (not visible on scan below): "Sooner or later the bombs had to hit us"

DS, July 8, 2005

Here follow a couple of excerpts of the article accompanied by the photo above with the Bobby (London Policeman) and the Asian woman. Four persons are quoted. A woman union delegate, a businessman, a family man and a certain "Norma" from Leicestershire. While the others keep it neutral, expressing anguish as well as a typical British mixture of phlegm and resolve, it is Norma, being interviewed in King’s Cross Station, who sees fit to deliver a scathing attack on PM Blair. Not surprisingly, the space allocated to her in those columns exceeds that of the others. Mind you, I could not scan the entire interview, so you will have to trust me the following is indeed there. What you do see in medium capitals in the right upper corner is her key quote "For me, Blair is the biggest terrorist in this country". It is the only quote highlighted.

Norma shakes her head. "We could expect this. Nobody like that fucking war in Iraq. Nobody has it for Blair. We did not support this war! For me, Blair is the biggest terrorist in his country".

In that very same "De Standaard" issue, July 8, but on Page 8, we find a bottom column by a certain contributor, "esn". The column is identified as a "Profiel", (Profile). The subject is "Tony Blair, Brits premier" (Prime Minister)

DS, July 8, 2005

The text reads:

BRUSSELS - PM Tony Blair yesterday exhorted the British to stay unanimous. Discord and quarrels would only further the terrorist’s cause, he said. But how quickly will he, and then especially his participation in the war against Iraq, get the blame?

An angry man in the heavily hit King’s Cross Station called him yesterday in an interview with this newspaper already "the biggest terrorist of them all".

…(there follows a lot of garbage)…

…But now already many ask aloud if Blair has made the country more vulnerable by participating in the war against Iraq.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we have seen "Norma", from the first column, called Blair "the biggest terrorist of them all". Her quote was the only one put in capitals for better eyecatching. Imagine now a not too bright or especially concerned "De Standaard" reader advancing through the pages. He has just soaked in Norma’s assessment of Tony, and after scrolling through pages 5, 6 and 7, which contain general information about Flemings in London, a Putin quote, bus trajectories and the like, he arrives at the bottom of Page 8. There, below, is a "Profile" with a photo of a grim looking British prime Minister accompanied by the fat black header "The Biggest Terrorist". This "profile" has been written by a "De Standaard" columnist referring to him-or-herself as "esn". "Esn" writes literally "An angry man in the heavily hit King’s Cross Station called him yesterday in an interview with this newspaper already 'the biggest terrorist of them all'."

There was no such interview on July 7.

The quote "esn" is referring to is the one on Page 4, see above Only, it was not a man. It was "Norma" from Leicestershire. "Esn" found no overwhelming majority of Brits wanting to call Tony "the biggest terrorist of them all". But "esn" is CONVINCED Tony is of the same caliber as Osama. So, in a desperate attempt to get his view endorsed by as many Brits as possible, "esn" makes "Norma" a man. Now, while I can imagine leftist fruitcakes really fancy the idea of swapping sexes, I am of the opinion that doing so to lend credibility to your own wacko theories in NOT kosher.

Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is an obvious attempt to further a political agenda. A heavily, leftist, "anti-war" agenda. "Anti-war", because these chaps are not really anti-war at all. In summer of 2004, the death toll in Darfur stood at an estimated 70,000, and there was vast proof that the Sudanese government was actively waging war against its own citizens, the Darfurians. We are one year down the reoad now, and IIRC, the death toll in May in Darfur was 180,000. I assure you I have read nowhere an "esn" column denouncing the Sudanese war against its own citizens - even though Sudans Bashir is a lot more effective in killing than the UK's Blair.

Note also that "esn" refers to the conflict in Iraq as "the war against Iraq", see again the sentence (first paragraph):

…But now already many ask aloud if Blair has made the country more vulnerable by participating in the war against Iraq...

AGAINST Iraq. For "esn", the UK is, more than two years after it helped topple a murderous dictator and his rogue regime, still at war AGAINST Iraq!

Sometimes I wonder if Al Qaeda is really our MAIN enemy.


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