Our tax dollars at work. This is one of several reasons why I don't call myself a Republican. I can't think of a bigger waste of time than trying to keep people from using marijuana, for medical or other purposes. The war on drugs is an expensive and catastrophic failure, and appears to me to be pretty damned unconstitutional as well. Want to stop the flow of opium in Afghanistan, and take the drug cartels of Columbia out at the knees? Legalize their product, and make them compete. Why people are so worried about what other people do with their bodies is beyond me.
There's real work to be done, and many people in the Republican party think they should piss away Bush's mandate, be it real or perceived, on the war on drugs and making abortion illegal. Let's hope the Republicans don't implode under the weight of their current domination of government. So far I don't see any reason to believe they have much of a clue.