Friday, September 24, 2004


All right Herman, after having read this I will forgive you for JUST ONE DAY that you, a politician pretending to be center-right and a defender of the free market, are in fact the biggest “employer” in the southwestern corner of Oost-Vlaanderen because of the tens of thousands of dumbass nitwits who would be too stupid to cut off the noose round their neck if someone gave them a knife you helped to a pussy job on some dusty desk in Brussels. I also forgive you for JUST ONE DAY, and this time I eat my heart out, for being such an ardent belgicistic *sslicker to the Royal Family who despise your mother tongue and whose Queen can’t speak three words of Dutch in a row even if she lives in our Magic Kingdom for over forty years and Flanders is Belgium’s economic locomotive…

Herman, to the left, with some visiting Seventh Rate former Eastern Bloc politician

(A confident Herman, left, explaining to some former Eastern Bloc bloke, probably from Kakapipistan, why Belgium will always have better chocolates and beer than the rest of the world combined.)

The fella in question is Herman De Croo, Chairman of the Belgian House of Representatives, in Dutch parlance “De Kamer” (the other part of Belgain Parliament being the senate (De Senaat). This is what he said just recently:

Bush heeft ballen aan zijn lijf
"Ik ga het cru zeggen: Bush heeft ballen aan zijn lijf, Kerry niet. Bush weet wat hij wil voor de gemiddelde blanke Amerikaan; Kerry is de man van het wazige discours van 'enerzijds anderzijds' omdat hij als Democraat de multiculturele en andere minderheden bijeen moet vagen uit alle hoeken, wil hij de verkiezingen winnen. Ik heb een lang gesprek gehad met de campagneleider van Al Gore. Hij zei: 'Je mag van Bush zeggen wat je wil, maar hij is niet idioot. Hij luistert naar zijn adviseurs, en het zijn de beste. Al Gore was ook geen idioot, maar hij luisterde niet'. Ik denk dat Bush het gaat halen. En ik ben er niet tegen."

Herman De Croo, geïnterviewd door Steven Somers in Het Laatste Nieuws van 18 september 2004
dinsdag 21 september 2004 @ 20:24 -
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I'm gonna tell it like it is: Bush has balls, Kerry hasn't. Bush knows what he wants for the average white American; Kerry is the man of the clouded blah-blah-blah of "on the one hand - on the other hand", because as a Democrat he has to scrape together the multicultural and other minorities from all corners, if he wants to win the elections. I had a long conversation with the campaign leader of Al Gore. He said: "Of Bush you can say what you want, but he is no idiot. He listens to his advisors, and they are the best. Al Gore was no idiot either, but he didn't listen." I think that Bush is gonna make it. And I'm not against that.

(Herman De Croo, interviewed by Steven Somers in "Het Laatste Nieuws", Sept 18, 2004 issue)

Hat tip to Luc Van Braekel, Belgian Entrepreneur and ICT-Consultant, man of infinitely high intellectual capabilities AND Belgian Anti-Idiotarian BloggEr (BABE).

Oh, btw, dunno if you heard it but our Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt had a rough ride. His car, an Audi A8, swerved off a turnpike just south of Ghent, rolled over several times and left the would-be EU Chief with bruises and two broken ribs. If you ask me, either the driver was thinking too much of sex (you know how Audi drivers are) or a jihadist cat had climbed aboard and attacked the poor fella, in which case he should simply have made a U-turn on that turnpike, presto.

Finally, a A Belgian woman has given birth to the first baby born after an ovarian tissue transplant, a medical breakthrough that brings hope to young cancer patients whose fertility may be damaged by treatment.

Doctors led by Professor Jacques Donnez, head of the Department of Gynaecology and Andrology at the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, removed and froze ovarian tissue from Touirat in 1997, when she was 25. This unprecedented event, the culmination of 10 years of research by Professor Donnez and his team funded by the Televie and the FNRS, brings immense joy to the parents for whom this baby represents a true miracle," the hospital said.

Don't say that this isn't a magic kingdom.