I am F-U-R-I-O-U-S ! ! ! !
Friday February 20, Belgium Parliament’s Lower House passed a bill granting non-EU immigrants the right to vote in local elections! Can you understand that? It means Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians et al who reside here but show no willingness to assimilate whatsoever HAVE-THE-FUCKING-RIGHT-TO-VOTE for the town and city councils where they reside WITHOUT bEING A BELGIAN!!! I-AM-MAD-AS-HELL! ! ! ! ! ! !
Oh yes, smooth-talking socialists and greens from both Flanders and Wallonia were quick to point out that there are some conditions:
*the immigrants have to reside here at least 5 years
*they have to register as voters
*they have to sign a document that they will respect Belgian law
Respect Belgian law, my ass. Now already they are trodding Belgian law wherever they can find it. Hell, they trod on law-enforcers. Belgian law forbids ritual slaughtering of sheep at home at the time of the Ramadan or the Hajj. Oh, but this year it was found out that actually only some 10-15% of Muslims abide by that law and slice those nice little fourfooters’ throats in one of the designated official slaughterhouses? The rest still happily do the butcher’s job in their backyard? Oops, so much for the respect for Belgian law. And I could give you example upon example of more such things.
People, it’s a Sunday afternoon here and I want to cut a long story short. The point is: over here in Europe we face a day-by-day increasing problem of especially Muslim immigrants who, instead of assimilating and integrating in our society, and thus contributing to our welfare, MAKE A NUISANCE OF THEMSELVES. You know what the net effect of the passing of this law will be? It means that in the very near future Muslim parties will spring up in, say, Brussels suburbs, that Muslim mayors will become a real possibility and that when funding is needed for, say, an opera house and a mosque, the money will go to the mosque. Now already there are large parts in Brussels where you better not venture as a Belgian. Don’t park your car there, you tires will be cut up. In Schaarbeek there’s ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS POLICE harassing Muslim women if they don’t appear pious enough or don't wear the veil!!!!
No racist speak Ladies and gentlemen. From over the Atlantic a reasonable citizen talks to you, a citizen who would like to shake hands with and help any red, yellow, brown or green immigrant – provided they don’t see our country as a playground where they think they can impose their backward society model after having just fled such an environment, like dwellers who flee an apartment to spoil another one because they are too lazy to clean up their mess.
You will ask how this is possible, how such a law could ever pass whatever claims to be our House of Representatives. I told you: the Socialists (SP – Socialistische Partij – in Flanders and the PS – Parti Socialiste – in Wallonia) along with the greens forced it down our throats. Scott, this WAS a Deliverance moment and the Cavalry did NOT come!
Flemish Socialists were in favour because… because, you know, they have this weird mindset that the West is guilty of every sorry issue on God’s Green Earth and that we should be compassionate and that if the Muslim community shows no fucking sign to integrate it’s because we are not welcoming enough. The Wallonian Socialists are in favour because they think the Muslims, who are largely ignorant of the Dutch language but generally do speak French, will bolster their ranks. The Greens are just as mad as my backdoor.
Well Ladies and Gentlemen, in the Netherlands they DID authorize, a couple of years ago, immigrants to vote for municipal councils. Twelve years ago already, the respected Dutch politican and former Minister of Defense Frits Bolkestein warned that the Netherlands' Integrating Policy, (in)famous for its coddling of foreigners, granting them everything without asking something in return, had failed TOTALLY. He was nearly crucified for it by the well-meaning Politically Right. And where have the Netherlands come today? Oh, for example some nice facility in Eindhoven as well as desperate measures to turn back time.
Well, I guess I’m through with my party Membership of the VLD, Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten, literally translated “Flemish Lberals and Democrats”. Put that grin off your face Scott. You, Kerry, that air of amazement and horror. Tom, what are you gonna do with that baseball bat? Put it away!
We got us this naming thingy on both sides of the Atlantic people. For instance, what you call “High School”, which is translated as “Hogeschool” in Dutch, are two different things. In the US it means education between, say, ages 12 and 18 if I’m not mistaken. Well, over here we call something like that “secondary school”, whereas “Hogeschool” means any education/formation after age 18 that is not related to University.
So when I confess now that since I was 19 I have been a member of the Flemish Liberals and Democrats, this BY NO MEANS is indicative of my political inclination to, well, US Liberals and Democrats. The VLD was what you would call soft-spoken Republicans – promoting free entrepreneurship, free markets, the well-being and personal development of the individual, tax cuts etc…
Over the years the party absorbed an influx of left-leaning or malcontent s*ckers from other or dissolved parties. The net effect of this was a gradual shifting of the VLD to the center-left, to my utter horror and dismay.
Well, Friday came the drop that made the bucket flood over. I’m through with the VLD. They betrayed me and many others. I just sent my application for membership to the Vlaams Blok (Flemish Bloc), a right-wing party which the others, VLD included, love to hate and cast pretty names on, such as “extreme right”, fascists etc… Never mind it was the Vlaams Blok that last year came up for the defence of Jews in Antwerp, who like Jews all over Europe are experiencing a frightening increase in Antisemitism at the hands of – oooooooooooooooooohh, this is soooooooooo politically incorrect – Muslim youths.
Tom. Maybe you should make sure these Green Cards don’t get lost you know. Oh, and when the first turbans show up in Maine, BEWARE. Let’s just cut the crap and call a spade a spade, ok? Also, keep an eye on that Nader guy. He's more dangerous than you'd think.