Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Dick Morris was on Hannity and Colmes last night, and he's pretty sure that Hillary is in line for the VP spot. It seems she would make for a strong ticket, but she brings a lot of baggage that could be exploited by the Bush campaign as well. I suggested this a while back, and I still think it's going to happen.

It makes sense if you think about it. If she turns down being Kerry's running mate, she risks being shut out of the presidential spot until 2012 if Kerry wins. If Kerry loses, she's still in the Senate, and can come back strong in 2008 without going up against an incumbent president. The only way I see her turning this post down is if the Clinton machine feels they can sabotage the Kerry campaign and insure a Bush victory in November (I know, big time conspiracy theory, but we've seen worse.) This way she makes a bid in 2008 without the taint of being defeated alongside Kerry four years prior. Either way, this is going to be very interesting.