A few predictions of my own for 2004:
(Disclaimer: These are purely hunches on my part, I claim no responsibility for them if they prove to be incorrect. If they come to pass, then I am a genius pure and simple.)
Osama Bin Laden will continue to remain dead - we will not find any evidence.
The Tories under Michael Howard will finally begin picking up steam in Great Britain with their message of a European union of a federation of individual nation states and not a bureaucratic superstate.
The EU will continue to muddle along with the French pushing toward a 2 speed system of tightly integrated countries. This will allow Monsieur Chirac to play the role of big fish (in a smaller EU barrel).
Howard Dean will not be the Democratic party candidate for president. (Pure gut feeling on this one).
Congress as a whole (both sides of the aisle) with W's blessing will continue to spend our tax dollars like sailors in a whorehouse.
Finally, and I know I'm going out on a limb here, John F'ing Kerry will tell us that he served in Vietnam.