Thursday, November 13, 2003

Thomas Sowell gives the concept of socialized health care a much needed black eye in his latest piece. Despite socialized medicine's abysmal performance history worldwide, it's probably only a matter of time before the Democrats convince a majority of Americans that health care is a right and therefore should be provided by government. The same lemmings that go along with this latest chapter in the age of entitlements will completely fail to grasp that those of them who actually pay taxes will be still paying for their own health care. The only difference will be that now the US government will be calling the shots, which will, as has happened all over the world, lead to a lower standard of care and longer waits for treatment. In the end it will be sold to the voters using class warfare, and the so called rich will be soaked again for a substandard health care system.

We can only hope that the wisdom of people like Thomas Sowell (who by the way, is the man) prevails in that debate.

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