Saturday, January 04, 2014


The Dandy Warhols open with Bohemian like you. From the 2000 album Thirteen tales from urban Bohemia.

Completely bonkers, I know it.

Blur with There's not other way, drawn from their debut album Leisure (1991).

Hey, it's not my fault that Damon Albarn looks like a f*ckin' pansy.

Goedenacht vanuit Outlaw's bunker and may the farce be with you.


Friday, January 03, 2014


Via Breitbart: muslim youths torch 'only' 1,067 cars on New Year's Eve.

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"French Interior Minister Manuel Valls reported that 1,067 vehicles were set ablaze on New Year's Eve. The Local reports that Valls called it a "positive result" since last year the total number of cars burned was 1,193.

The destruction was spread across France with the worst concentration north of Paris in Seine-Saint-Denis, a heavily Muslim suburban area. This Press TV report is from last January but notes auto-arson was highest in the same Paris suburb last year. Press TV frames the issue as one of "alienation and anger".

The French government stopped reporting totals by region when it learned the "breakdown was fueling destructive competition between rival gangs." But last year Interior Minister Valls revealed that "between 42,000 and 60,000 automobiles are intentionally torched in France every year."

Muslim dirtbags and their leftist allies are spinning this ad nauseam as the perpetual sorry story of unemployment and discrimination. We at DowneastBlog have been covering this phenomenon FOR EIGHT YEARS and say this is simply what happens when the muslim percentage of the population is reaching a certain treshold. This is the prelude to civil war - provided sufficient frogs remain with the stomach to defend their country against the coming tidal wave of the muslim orcs. France has 10% muslims now, the result of an insane immigration policy set in motion by Charles de Gaulle, and reinforced by subsequent presidents and governments. Messieurs et madames: this is only the beginning.

Check out this video and see Europes future:

Muchos Gracias FUCKING SOCIALIST SCOUNDRELS for saddling us and our descendants with muslim cavemen. Pleased with your cultural enrichment now?

France is not the only place however where muslims had winterval fever. Here's a story from Mombasa, Kenya, via Observatoire de l'Islamisation. Two churches torched by, you know, those famous "youths":

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"MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - Police said youths have thrown molotov cocktails into two Kenyan churches on Christmas Day, in the latest episode of violence against Christians in a part of the country which is majority muslim.

Police and witnesses said that the churches in the port city of Mombasa were attacked in the small hours of December 25.

The police has not arrested any suspects but has explored the possibility that the attacks were launched by militant muslims or by the Mombasa Republican Council ( MRC ) , an illegal movement which aims for the secession of Kenya's coastal region.

Many muslims of Kenya's coastal region along the Indian Ocean say they are marginalized by the majority Christian government and relations between muslims and christians have suffered over the past years.

Police declared the young muslims under suspicion are controlled by radical preachers with links to the militant somali al-Shabaab group.

"The churches are situated in a zone inhabited principally by muslims, and church members had signalled beforehand threats by certain youths who told them to close their churches", declared Robert Mureithi, police chief in the Likoni district."

I have checked out this Mombasa Republican Council. It seems to have both christian and muslim members who share a feeling that the Kenyan government is indeed discriminating Kenya's coast (a coastal strip of a mere ten kilometers wide and with Mombasa as its nerve center, rather). Be that as it may, I fail to understand why militants from an organization with an economical agenda would burn Christian buildings. The church burnings also resemble similar attacks just to the south, in October across the border in Tanzania. I therefore fear it's our usual suspects again. Maybe not the jihadists responsible for the murders in Nairobi's shopping mall, but at least sympathizers.

And of course the gullible Belgian citizen, relying on our 'quality' newspapers, De Standaard up front, is left completely in the dark as to what happens just south of the border. To compensate for this lack of information however, he luckily today got the news that thirty years ago Margaret Thatcher considered to use troops to temporarily take the place of striking miners.

Well, we were really waiting for that tidbit of info weren't we? I mean, right now. Soooooo important!! Those evil rightwingers!


Tuesday, December 31, 2013


And once again, DowneastBlog wishes all its readers of good will...

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... Lots of love and friendship,
An excellent health,
Success in all your endeavours,
The courage and resources to face the hardships in case you encounter them, and...
The knowledge and wisdom to take the right decisions when faced with difficult choices!

And of course we hope you still haven't gotten bored to death yet, so that we may continue to see ya on these pages! Stay tuned!


PS: sorry ladies if you wanna see hunks dis is not da place - told you before.

Monday, December 30, 2013


Via Observatoire de l'Islamisation

"A former member of the (French) High Council for Integration, the sociologist Khalid Hamdani, in an op-ed published by Mediapart in March 2011, wondered how it was possible to continue to accept, without reacting, the ringing of church bells every sundag without anything being done to stop this loud and annoying intrusion of religion into public space."

Hamdani continued: 'attention, this time, French muslims and all republican seculars could form some kind of common front. They could demand the unequivocal application of secularism on the republic's entire territory. They could demand that all religions be treated in the same manner without exceptions or derogatory remakrs. It is of little importance that the roots of France are christian or pagan, or greco-roman.' [quoted in full length]

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Khalid Hamdani, muslim scoundrel and an ex-bigshot of the so-called 'High Council for Integration in France'. For monsieur Hamdani, church bells in France should be made to stop IMMEDIATELY.

Joachim Velocias, the man behind Observatoire de l'islamisation, further notes that:

a.) the French Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, has 'saluted the great quality of the report'

b.) Sharia effectively prohibits the ringing of church bells. Sunni law explicitly states it (see a.o. also El Mawerdi's 'Les statuts gouvernementaux' or 'La dépendence du voyageur' de al Misri). These fundamental sharia laws can be found in the .... 'Institut du Monde Arabe', 5th arrondissement, Mohammed V Square, Paris, France [I kid you not - MFBB].

c.) Khalid Hamdani has defended the integration 'report', in which he asked for stopping the ringing of church bells, on RTL (prime French television chain).

d.) Khalid Hamdani is of moroccan origin. Obviously he has never denounced the calls to prayer of muezzins in his country of origin, a country which has just condemned to 30 months of prison a convert to Christianity.

And Outlaw Mike adds some points of interest:

a.) As always, people should not be fooled by that drab muslim scumbag Khalid Hamdani's call for 'enforcing' strict secular principles with regards to all 'intrusions of religious activity' in public space. Hamdani has never, and WILL NEVER, object to entire Parisian blocks and streets off-limits to infidels on Fridays, when scores of muslims occupy the asphalt for their prayers. He also WILL NEVER object to muezzins' calls for prayer, to be heard loud and clear from more and more mosques in France itself.

b.) the lovely 'Institut du Monde arabe', smack in the centre of Paris, was part of the great state building projects - make that a pet project, actually, of François Mitterrand, of the, uh, French Parti Socialiste.

c.) Mr Jean-Marc Ayrault, France's PM, who was so smitten by Hamdani's report and its recommendations, is a prominent socialist also. I suspect however that you suspected that already.

d.) The management of the IMA in 2008 was the object of a study conducted by a French Senate's Finances Commission led by Adrien Gouteyron, following an accumulated exploitation deficit of 38.5 million EUR. Currently, the Institut du Monde arabe is in 'quasi cessation of payments'. The main reason for the IMA's plunge into an abysmal debt is the fact that the countries of the Arab League, bound by contract to subsidize the IMA to the extent of 40 per cent per year, fail to pay consistently, so that at most 10 per cent is reached. Back in the day, someone should have told the French fonctionnaires and signatories of that contract that muslims are never bound to hold onto their promises when concluded with filty infidels.

Anyway, the net result is that it is the French taxpayer who's filling the deficit gap, to the tune of 12 million euros a year. Votres euros de taxe au travail, chers frogs!

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The Institut du Monde arabe, smack in the middle of Paris. Paid for by the French taxpayer, maintained by the French taxpayer, and containing islamic law that explicitly forbids, amongst others, the ringing of church bells. That's for starters, Julie and François. Bonne chance with your approval of zhe ghey mariage!!!

We live in an insane world.


Sunday, December 29, 2013


Upon learning to know the work of Winslow Homer, I could easily understand why he is considered by many the greatest American painter of the nineteenth century. As I am always short on time, I'll try to keep it brief re what you ought to know about this remarkable artist.

50's, meant is of course the 1850's. Started as a commercial printmaker in Boston and NY, briefly studying oil painting in the spring of 1861.

1860's: was sent to the front as an illustrator/correspondent for Harper's Weekly. The second half of the decade, and basically the entire next one, saw Homer developing his art, and were characterized by artistic experimentation and a preference for incorporating nature and especially natural light in his works. Many of his subjects in this period he found at seaside resorts in MA and NJ, although he also frequented the Adirondacks and the White Mountains. It should be noted however that although he began to establish his reputation as a painter in this timeframe, for most of the time in the 60s and 70s he still needed the design of magazine illustrations as a source of income.

After a brief stint in the early eighties in Cullercoats, a village in northern England, where he was impressed by the strenuous lives led by the fishermen and their womenfolk, he settled for good in Prout's Neck, Maine, where he lived and worked until his death, notwithstanding journeys to the Caribbean. His major works from then on would focus on the struggle of Man against the (marine) elements, and, going beyond that, on the naked force of nature, of the Sea, itself.

I chose three works to get you acquainted with Winslow Homer:

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Snap the whip.

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Three boys in a dory. Flirting with impressionism here.

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Eight bells. My personal favorite. In this magnificent shot - can I call it a shot, Winslow? - the painter captures the fight - and mastery - of man vs. Nature, the raw beauty of the wild sea, and the quality of Light illuminating it all. Brilliant!

Hail to the artist, a...

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...Dead White Male.



Great Britain's slippery ride towards multiculti insanity continues unabated. The latest example? The retail chain Marks & Spencer allows its muslim staff to REFUSE to sell alchohol and pork to customers:

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"Muslim staff working for Marks & Spencer have been given permission to refuse to serve customers buying alcohol or pork products
Its policy decision has highlighted a split among the big food retailers over whether religious staff should be excused certain jobs.

In contrast to M&S, Sainsbury’s said it had issued official guidelines that stated there was no reason why staff who did not drink alcohol or eat pork for religious reasons could not handle the goods.

The advice followed consultations with religious groups, said a spokesman.

Tesco said it treated each case on its merits, but said it “made no sense” to employ staff on a till who refused to touch certain items for religious reasons.

Asda said it would not deploy Muslims on tills who objected to handling alcohol, while Morrisons, which is based in Bradford where there is a large Muslim community, said it had widespread experience of dealing with the issue and would “respect and work around anyone’s wishes not to handle specific products for religious or cultural reasons”.

At M&S, Muslim staff who do not wish to handle alcohol or pork have been told they can politely request that customers choose another till at which to pay.
At one of its stores in central London last week, customers waiting with goods that included pork or alcohol were told by a Muslim checkout worker to wait until another till became available. The assistant was extremely apologetic at having to ask customers to wait.

One customer, who declined to be named, said: “I had one bottle of champagne, and the lady, who was wearing a headscarf, was very apologetic but said she could not serve me. She told me to wait until another member of staff was available.

“I was taken aback. I was a bit surprised. I’ve never come across that before.”

Customers trying to buy alcoholic drinks for Christmas were also asked to wait."

Mail these ASSHOLES at Marks & Spencer and tell them in no uncertain terms that they are a bunch of FUCKING, IGNORANT COWARDS.