Saturday, October 21, 2017


Japan with Quiet Life. From the 1979 album with the same name.

UK New wave band, formed in 1974 in Catford, SE London. Singer/guitarist David Sylvian and drummer Steve Jansen are actually brothers, both born Batt.

Double with The Captain of her Heart. From the 1985 album Blue.

Swiss (yeah, SWISS) pop duo consisting of Kurt Maloo (vocals, guitar) and Felix Haug (drums, keyboards).



Friday, October 20, 2017


A horrifying development in Antwerp. Via newspaper "De Morgen", which btw is a leftist rag.


Schools try to lower treshold for parents with migration background

19-10-17, 20.23 - Sara Vandekerckhove

"Gym, cooking, parties... in several schools, only the mothers are welcome. This way, the schools want to succeed in attracting mothers of foreign extraction.

In a school in Antwerp only the mothers are allowed to come to help cutting fruit. And in a school in Ghent only mothers are welcome for gym. Although the schools let it be known right away that dads shouldn't worry. "The fathers' turn will come yet."

Yet it seems strange that fathers should be shunned from the get-go. Shouldn't children learn in school that dads can just as well cut fruit. And why can't fathers and mothers simply have gym together? Do we really have to teach children that men and women should do certain things apart?


"For a number of mothers it really couldn't be mixed. They only wanted to come if the activity in question was purely for women."

Dixit Liselotte Verfaillie, Director Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege in Antwerp.

And so it goes on... and on... and on...

... Until one day you wake up in a completely islamized society.

Chronicle of a nightmare foretold. When the gruesome process is completed, no authochton will be able to say "Wir haben es nicht gewusst".

Why should we be surprised? For decades, not only Greens and Socialists but also mainstream parties have done everything in their might to make of Antwerp a gigantic multiculti lab, to the detriment of the Evil White Man.

Turns out, their famed multiculti experiment is starting to look decidedly monocultural. In 2015, a staggering 7 children in 10 of the ages between 0 and 6 was of foreign extraction...

... the grand majority of them adherents of a certain religion. Not Wicca. Not Scientology.

Death of the Flemings is occurring before our eyes. But instead of worrying about our future, us locals - with the exception of me, myself and I of course - celebrate not only multiculti madness and love of Gaia, but above all else gay sex and weird, kinky sex. Anything goes - but Allah forbid it's the kind of sex that leads to offspring.

I am completely fed up. I don't know how much longer I can take it.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Townhall has an article up by Todd Starnes re the outrageous treatment the Air Force meted out to a brave and outstanding officer, Colonel Leland Bohannon, when he refused to sign a "certificate for spouse appreciation" for a gay master sergeant's partner.

"The Air Force has punished a highly-decorated and respected colonel after he refused to publicly affirm the same-sex spouse of a retiring subordinate. Col. Leland Bohannon, who was on the verge of being promoted to a one-star general, was suspended from command and orders were handed down recommending he not be promoted. “His career is likely over and he will likely have to retire as a colonel instead of as a general,” First Liberty Institute attorney Michael Berry told the Todd Starnes Show.

First Liberty Institute, one of the nation’s most prominent religious liberty law firms, is representing the distinguished military officer.

“This sends a clear message - if you do not have the politically correct viewpoint, you are not welcome in the military,” Berry said. “The military is no longer a place of diversity and inclusion if you are a person who holds to a traditional belief on marriage.”

Col. Bohannon has flown combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and he is the recipient of the Bronze Star, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal and the Air Medal.

Last May the colonel declined to sign a certificate of spouse appreciation for a retiring master sergeant’s same-sex spouse.

He was unable to do so because it would have caused him to affirm a definition of marriage contrary to his sincerely held religious beliefs.

Col. Bohannon sought the advice of his Command Chaplain as well as the Staff Judge Advocate. He was advised to request a religious accommodation. However, that request was returned six weeks later “without action.”

So, the colonel asked the Air Force Deputy IG to sign the certificate in his place.

“He went out of his way to make sure his Airman was accommodated,” Berry told the Todd Starnes Show.

But when the master sergeant learned Col. Bohannon did not personally sign the spouse certificate, the Airman filed an Equal Opportunity complaint.

The Airman alleged the devout Christian colonel had “unlawfully discriminated against him on the basis of his sexual orientation.”

The EO investigator determined the colonel had discriminated against the gay Airman – and went on to say that “even had the accommodation been granted, Col. Bohannon would nonetheless be guilty of unlawful discrimination.”

“You have a case where a decorated officer like Col. Bohannon demonstrates integrity and character to go out of his way to accommodate one of his Airmen and the Air Force will not do the same for him,” Berry told the Todd Starnes Show.

First Liberty Institute is urging the Air Force to reverse its decision – charging the military violated their client’s Constitutional rights."

After the graduation from West Point of godforsaken commie Spenser Rapone, the repeal of DADT, forced cultural marxist indoctrination, atrocious "Walk a Mile in her Shoes" nonsense, the Navy wasting untold billions on green fuel, and generals caring more about diversity than servicemen and -women shot dead by jihadi infiltrators, this case is the umpteenth sign that the ROT has definitely set in in the United States Military.

It is first and foremost up to the servicemen and -women to wrestle control back from idiots prepared to defame the uniform if only it helps them to get higher up.

I see no difference between an officer deliberately going in harm's way on the battlefield, and Colonel Bohannon sacrificing his career on the chopping block of gay fetishism and multiculturalism. The man is a hero, plain and simple. If Mullen, Roughead, Dempsey et al had shown half the Colonel's courage, then the US Armed Forces wouldn't be in the mess they are in now.

A marriage is a union between a man and a woman. All the rest is both cultural marxist gobbledegook AND an evolutionary deadender.

Somebody's head in the United States Air Force should roll, and it isn't Colonel Bohannon's. SecDef Mattis, wake up.


Sunday, October 15, 2017


Ken Blackwell is a conservative activist and was mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio (1979–80), Ohio State Treasurer (1994–99), and Ohio Secretary of State (1999–2007). He also served as Undersecretary in the Department of Housing and Urban Development from 1989 to 1990. He has an excellent article up at Townhall which should be required reading for anyone doubting Columbus' standing - and in particular his legacy.

"The usual suspects have discovered that Christopher Columbus was no 21st century liberal. Of course, that shouldn’t surprise anyone since he lived in a time of empires, slavery, monarchies, and ignorance.
But he rose above his time and literally united the world. Without him there would be no America, no us.

Today few, if any historical figures are exempt from attack. Even America’s founders are denounced as racists and misogynists. Nor do foreigners enjoy immunity from criticism. Another Columbus Day, another opportunity for angry leftists to denounce Western imperialism, colonialism, and more.

Christopher Columbus was a man of his age, like everyone else in Genoa (now Italy, his homeland) and Spain (whose monarchs financed his ocean expeditions). He mistreated indigenous peoples, kept slaves, and governed badly. Awful, but then, not many colonial officials, explorers, ship captains, and rulers behaved differently.

We don’t celebrate Columbus for his failings, including holding once common beliefs which we rightly have come to abhor. We celebrate him for his unique, even heroic, virtues.

We celebrate him for having helped make the modern world.

The 15th Century was a challenging time. The rise of Islam and fall of Constantinople severed traditional trade routes to Asia. European monarchies battled for maritime supremacy. Geographic knowledge was advancing, but still very limited.

In this world, Columbus stepped forward. He sought a shorter route to Asia than around the Horn of Africa. So, he sought support to head west. The Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand II and Isabella I, said yes.

The rest is, as they say, history. Columbus and his crew set out with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. On October 12, 1492, they landed on the island (in today’s Bahamas) which he named San Salvador. He made three subsequent trips, and spent a few years as governor of the island of Hispaniola.
We know the criticisms. For instance, the residents knew where they were and didn’t need to be “discovered.” But Europeans needed to find them. The early Americans had no maritime tradition and would never have ventured east.

The opening yielded practical benefits: such as the exchange of new crops and domesticated animals. More important, though, Europe transferred not only its knowledge but its traditions of scholarship, invention, and innovation to the new world.

An age of commerce, exploration, and colonialism followed. Of course, it would have come at some point even had Columbus never been born. Someone else eventually would have located the New World. But Columbus’s exploits were widely noted and studied.

The consequences of discovery for indigenous peoples—conquest and disease—were at times awful. But the undisturbed residents of the Americas were not living in paradise, an unspoiled Eden. They certainly were not modern liberals. Indeed, peoples like the Aztecs and Incas turned barbarity into an art form.Cruelty, slavery, human sacrifice—none of these were forms of indigenous culture worth preserving. There was little nobility in the savagery that was then the norm.

Columbus fell far short of what humanity demanded, but he set in motion a process which ultimately affirmed the importance of respecting the life and dignity of every person. The desire to be free—and the belief that liberty was possible—came too.

He didn’t intend most of the consequences of his voyage. In this Columbus was like most adventurers, as well as merchants, conquerors, clerics, monarchs, scientists, scholars, and others. Much human progress results from inadvertence, accident, even mistake. Still, we should learn from and appreciate people who achieved much even though their legacies were far from perfect.

And Columbus worked for his success. He came from a family of modest means. He first went to sea at age 10. He was an avid trader and self-taught scholar, who read widely. He learned geography and science, and knew history. He embodied the unique human commitment to apply and profit from knowledge.

Columbus also cared about things spiritual and believed his most important success was spreading Christianity. One can criticize how he practiced his faith and especially his failure to live up to Christianity’s tough demands in caring for “the least of these.” Still, he was a more complex person than the caricature promoted by the Left.

Columbus lived a full life, but was only 54 when he died. He saw only a small part of the world which he helped create.

Most of our traditional heroes are flawed. Like Christopher Columbus. But they still give us much to respect and admire. Tearing down those who came before us is no way to build up America."

While you are at it, check out Antonio de Montesinos and Bartolomé de las Casas. Unlike certain other beliefs, salvation for those who suffered under the yoke of "our" sons of bitches always came from within Christianity.