Wednesday, February 01, 2017


A man who tells it like it is: Geert Wilders, PVV Chairman, and expected to win big in the March Parliamentary elections in The Netherlands:

The slick weasel responding to Mr Wilders is Bert Koenders, Dutch Foreign Minister and a PvdA socialist (in The Netherlands, they have two socialist parties, the other one is the SP). He is the successor to the infamous Frans Timmerfrans, a vainglorious and ineffective political hack, also a PvdA socialist, who swapped the political scene in The Netherlands for a job as vice chairman of the EU Commission in 2014.

But back to Koenders: this balless creature is 'incensed' because of the temporary US ban on muslims from seven nations, but in August 2016 he had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS cozying up to Turkey's radical islamic government. If you follow this link you see Koenders in Ankara with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. This scumbag called Austria 'radically racist', wants to remain best friends with Iran, compares Kurds with IS and has no qualms of 'wiping them out'.

It is difficult to grasp the enormity of the use of two standards by Koenders, who you just saw in the video proclaiming:

"If you want to fight terrorism the worst thing you can do is trample human rights..."

and who six months previously had no qualms licking the heels of the Erdogan regime. FYI, that visit was in early August, by which time the Erdogan government, post-coup, had amassed a stellar record on human rights in the coup episode alone:

"More than 40,000 people have been dismissed from their posts, including the forced resignation of the heads of every university in the country. The justice system has been particularly hard hit with 2,167 judges and prosecutors jailed and 2,745 removed from their posts. Arrest warrants have been issued for almost 90 journalists since July 25. On July 27, the government closed down three news agencies, 16 television channels, 23 radio stations, 45 newspapers, 15 journals, and 29 publishing houses and distribution companies.

Equally troubling have been the steps to set aside checks on the exercise of executive power. The government has declared a state of emergency that permits the executive to rule by decree with minimal oversight from parliament and none from the constitutional court. It has told the Council of Europe that it is temporarily imposing extraordinary limitations on the European Convention of Human Rights (its duty to prevent and punish torture is unaffected).

The first emergency decree issued by the government, on July 23, underscored its ambition to act without restraint. It orders the closure without any due process of thousands of private educational institutions, hospitals, clinics, and associations. The decree allows the permanent discharge of judges, prosecutors, and civil servants without any investigation or possibility of legal challenge.

The first decree also extends police powers to detain some suspects for up to 30 days without being taken before a judge and seriously curtails the right to private communications with lawyers for those who are placed in pretrial detention, increasing the risk of ill-treatment and undermining the right to an effective defense. A second decree on July 27 permits prosecutors to restrict a detainee’s access to a lawyer for the first five days of police detention. Evidence is already emerging that military officials and others arrested in connection with the coup have been subject to torture or ill-treatment in custody.

What ties together much of this action is that it is targeted against people who are allegedly linked to a movement inspired by Fethullah Gulen, a US-based cleric the government has publicly blamed for the attempted coup. The movement, which runs a network of schools in Turkey and other countries, historically had close ties to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Whatever the merits of the government’s claims about the movement’s role in the coup, which Gulen himself denies, the speed and scale of the dismissals make it clear that many of those affected by the purge are caught up in it not because there is clear evidence of their involvement in the coup but merely because of their perceived association with the Gulen movement.

The EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn commented on July 18 that it appears that at least some of the lists the government used had been prepared before the attempted coup even took place...."

... the state of affairs described above, from Human Rights Watch no less, dates from August 3, 2016. Days later Koenders was courting Erdogan's dictatorial regime. 40,000 people dismissed, thousands put behind bars, 45 newspapers shut down? No problem whatsoever for Bert!!! But when the Trump Administration issues a temporary ban for 7 muslim countries, Koenders, like a little boy, is enraged and orders an immediate stop to Dutch/US negotiations about US border controls on Schiphol.

At the time of the Viking raids, the Britons prayed: "From the Fury of the Northmen, Oh Lord, deliver us!"

These days normals in the West should pray: "From the Insanity and Cowardice of the Socialists, Oh Lord, deliver us!"


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