Saturday, December 03, 2016


Following a tip by longtime reader Leo Norekens, first Billy Joel with Tell her About it. From the 1983 album An Innocent Man, a sympathetic nod to doo-wop and Motown music.

I remember well my disappointment when I bought this album, somewhere in the summer of 1983. I had expected a second The Nylon Curtain, which had gone down very well with me, but An Innocent Man, the follow-up, is actually as totally different as can be, starting with the cover. Where The Nylon Curtain oozes a certain pessimism, An Innocent Man is an upbeat piece of work, which at first is a bit strange since the cover is all in black and grey (compared to TNC's yellow stylised, even naive optics) and Joel just came out of a divorce from his first wife. Must have had something to do with his dating Elle McPherson and Christie Brinkley.

The Cure with an impossibly young cast performing A Forest.

Robert Smith's got a babyface, which means it must be a long time ago. And it is. From the 1980 album Seventeen Seconds.



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