48 muslim organizations in Flanders and Belgium have now published a so-called "offical notice of default" demanding that he revokes his decision, in the same breath threatening to charge him with "all damages" which should result if - fasten your seat belts - Weyts would use force of law to make Belgian muslims follow, well, Belgian law!
Via HLN Online:
When I read that this morning, I did not know if I should laugh or cry.
It's evening now, and I tend towards the latter.
The situation is grotesque. Belgian (and European) law is crystal clear: no animals should be killed without being anesthesized. Like in every civilized country, animal welfare laws have over the past decades been put in place to ensure that animals do not suffer needlessly. And yet here we are, in 2015, and a staggering total of 48 muslim organizations (I was even unaware there were so many) are challenging an Interior Minister FOR THE MERE FACT...
.... that he is pointing out that Belgian Law should be respected.
I first meant to write now that "it doesn't get more insane than this" to mention the 48 organizations' second demand, namely that "the feast of the sacrifice be recognized as a Flemish cultural tradition", but I stopped from doing so because I'm pretty sure that it WILL get more insane than this.
As Belgium's catastrophic demographic trends continue to deteriorate, expect more, and more, and more, and more, and more of this.
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