Thursday, June 04, 2015


The relentless islamization of our country goes on day after day. If it had not been for rightwing site, I would have missed it, but a street in Liège, a big city in Wallonia's east, is going to be named after a Turkish female writer.

This is how Turkish site Today's Zaman reports it:

The idea to name the street after Edip was proposed by Liege City Council member and Chairman of the Culture Commission Mehmet Aydoğdu, who said that once the street is finished, a small ceremony will be held in September.

“I am an artist myself, and Halide Edip Adıvar was a very important writer. At the same time, she was a female member of Parliament and became a symbol for having resigned due to women not having enough rights. She was a writer who lived both in the Ottoman Empire and in the Turkish Republic,” said Aydoğdu.

Edip was born in 1884, graduated from the American College for Girls in İstanbul and became one of the central figures in the Turkish nationalist and intellectual movement of the early republic.

This is a photo of Halide Edib:

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Champion for women's rights in Turkey huh? I can see that.

To the best of my knowledge Belgium does not have a street yet named after Jane Brigode, a groundbreaking feminist (in the good sense of the word) activist, a person of tremendous moral and intellectual stature whose tireless efforts for education and voting rights for women a century ago have until now gone completely unnoticed among our "elites". A true patriot too, who, right after Germany invaded Belgium in August 1914, founded the Union Patriotique des Femmes Belges. Under her guidance the Union would become a key organization for the distribution of much needed aid in war-stricken occupied Belgium. Brigode was also a key figure for the Liberal Party during World War II, holding clandestine meetings in her house and serving de facto as Party Chairwoman. (keep in mind that back in those days liberals were classical liberals, not hardcore leftists). It was in essence thanks to Jane Brigode's tireless efforts that post WWII, in 1948, Belgian women finally obtained the right to vote.

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So no, in the Year of Our Lord 2015 Belgium's got not Rue Jane Brigode or Jane Brigodestraat.

But we do have a Rue Halide Edib. How's that?

As for Mehmet Aydoğdu being a Liège City Council member... Outlaw would not be Outlaw if he did not have a hunch as to what party Mehmet Aydoğdu belonged.

So I did the following experiment: I googled "Mehmet Aydoğdu" and "Parti Socialiste". And this is what showed up:

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A Parti Socialiste member!!! Who would have thunk it??

This is what happens when a despicable clique of self-hating leftists ushers in cohorts of 7th century barbarians.

Over time, and in the big localities first, muslim town selectmen, city council members, and ultimately mayors, will completely take over the management of our cities. It will lead to catastrophic situations of which the autochton population will be the first victim. A fine study in microcosm is offered by the Brussels commune of Molenbeek, which after decades of Parti Socialiste management, and soft ethnic cleansing resulting in a current muslim population of around 85 percent, is now facing bankruptcy:

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Molenbeek can no longer function because it is virtually bankrupt. Main culprit is the socialist scoundrel and former mayor Philippe Moureaux. Even when it was clear that this northwestern part of Brussels was heading for financial disaster, this 76-year old scumbag, not so long ago rewarded for his efforts with a muslim bride half his age, in the truest Keynesianist fashion let the ranks of city personnel swell from 889 to 1,364 between 2005 and 2012. A main reason for the dramatic rise of costs of course, while over the past decade the population grew from 75,000 to 100,000: almost exclusively muslims who live on welfare.

Socialists can't build anything...

... except a Road to Hell.