Via The Telegraph:
"Belgian MPs have been accused of "ideological stubbornness" by pressing ahead with a child euthanasia law that has divided doctors and "challenges the very basis of civilised society" according to critics.
Belgium's parliament is almost certain to pass legislation on Wednesday that will allow “terminally ill minors facing unbearable physical suffering” to undergo euthanasia if they request it.
Euthanasia has been legal for adults in Belgium for 11 years and according to the last annual figures 1,432 people were medically killed in 2012, usually after electing for a lethal injection administered by a doctor.
The extension of euthanasia to children, which enjoys the support of three-quarters of Belgians in opinion polls, has aroused intense opposition from many doctors and has united Belgium’s Christians, Jews and Muslims against the law.
Earlier this week a letter signed by 160 Belgian paediatricians asked MPs to “reflect” and not to rush the law onto the statute books, warning that children lacked “mature discernment” to choose euthanasia..."
Oh, as for that 'ideological stubbornness'. We of course knew that greens and socialists would have been the prime sponsors for euthanasia. But the other 'traditional' parties have their fair share of enthusiastic supporters. One of these has really profiled himself in the course of the debate on euthanasia for minors: Jean-Jacques de Gucht, son of the notorious schmuck Karel de Gucht, the EU Kommisar for Trade Policy. He is one of the youngest senators in Belgium, more precisely for the liberal party Open VLD. Twenty-five years ago 'liberal' in Belgium meant center-right, these days you would be hard pressed to press a sheet of carbon paper between the ideological viewpoints of Open VLD and the socialist party. Jean-Jacques de Gucht, who has never worked a single day in his life - honest, meaningful work that is - and was projected from the university benches where he studied 'Cultural Agogics', whatever that may be, to a Senate seat in the blink of an eye, supposedly for his good looks, a couple of years back co-authored a law proposal to remove crosses from public spaces such as cemeteries. That may give you an idea of the personality we are dealing with here.
'Please postpone the vote' asked child oncologist Stefaan Van Gool, one of 160 pediatricians who wrote an open letter against the law. Van Gool compared the debate with that around the BHV dossier which lasted decades. 'There is no urgency'.
Alas Doctor Van Gool, your many years of experience, your sound judgment and your impressive curriculum mean nothing compared to our Wonderchild's infinite wisdom and his expertise in cultural agogics.
It pains my heart to know that a gruesome fate sometimes visits (very) young children. But as with abortion, this law will only lead to widespread abuse.
I may not be a Master in Cultural Agogics, but I know enough of human nature to have good faith that whenever confronted with delicate cases involving life and death, it is far safer to trust there is sufficient common sense present to reach a human solution, than to rely on the legislative brainchilds of leftists who do not have that trust in quintessential, sound human judgment. It's why they pushed abortion laws through, with appalling results. They were intended for comparatively few cases - rape, misformed embryos - they have been used for legalizing the murder of untold millions of perfectly healthy foetuses.
Same with euthanasia, legalized in Belgium for adults for over a decade now. Mark Outlaw's words, a couple of years futher on and daughter-in-law so and so and/or son, or vice versa, who see fit to speed up a little grandpa's or grandma's journey to the Great Beyond because there's some sweets to distribute which would be handy to have NOW instead of at the end of the natural life cycle, can do that speeding up with the full blessing of the Belgian State. PROGRESS, you know.
And now there is euthanasia for children.
What a disgrace.
This is a very sad day for Belgium.
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