Tuesday, April 11, 2006



That was then:

June 1940. France is beaten in six weeks by the Nazis. German soldiers march on the Champs Elysées. The French government, headed by PM Paul Reynaud, surrenders.

This is now:

April 2006. France is beaten in six weeks by spoiled schoolkids, dumbass "students" and communist unions. Hordes of nitwit lazybones march on the Champs Elysées. The French government, headed by PM Dominique de Villepin, surrenders.

Mind you, the CPE Bill had already passed through parliament and was by the laws and mores of democratic countires an established fact. If you ever wondered how deep De Villepin and Chirac could sink, here's another low. From The Brussels Journal:

France is beyond remedy. The country is heading for collapse, and its fate will be well deserved. As expected the French trade unions and the rioting leftwing vandals (aka “students”) in the streets won the fight for political supremacy over parliament and the government. Yesterday the French president Jack Chirac withdrew the French youth labour bill (CPE), approved earlier by a parliamentary majority, while the man he stabbed in the back by doing so, Chirac’s former dauphin and France’s Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, announced that he will not stand for the presidential elections next year.


a.) Classical Version - by Jean de La Fontaine.

The ant works all summer long, building his house and stocking food for winter. The cricket thinks the ant is stupid, and laughs and plays all through summer. Once winter arrives, the ant is safely in the warmth and well fed. The cricket is shivering in the cold without food and shelter, and dies.

b.) Modern Approach - by Bruno Julliard.

The ant works all summer long, building his house and stocking food for winter. The cricket thinks the ant is stupid, and laughs and plays all through summer. Once winter arrives, the ant is safely in the warmth and well fed. The cricket is shivering in the cold without food and shelter, and organizes a press conference demanding why the ant has the right to be safely in the warmth and well fed, while others, less lucky, are cold and hungry. French TV broadcasts live coverage of the cricket, teeth chattering, as well as video footage of the ant safely in its comfy warm house sitting at a rich table. The French are shocked that in a country that rich one leaves the poor cricket suffer while others live in abundance. NGO's against poverty are demonstrating in front of the ant's house. Journalists organize interviews where it is debated how the ant could grow so rich on the back of the cricket and ask the government to raise the ant's taxes so that it will finally pay "its just part". Following the TV broadcasts, government drafts a law on economic inequality and another (retroactive to the past summer) on anti-discrimination. The ant's taxes are raised and it is also fined because it has not hired the cricket as an aide. The ant's house is confiscated by the government because it hasn't sufficiennt money to pay the fine and the new taxes. The ant leaves France and installs itself successfully in Switzerland. French TV makes a documentary about the cricket, now obese even though spring is still far away. The old ant's house, which has become a social dwelling for the cricket, is fast deteriorating because the cricket does nothing to maintain it. Reproaches are directed to the government for lack of maintenance funds. A commission costing 10 million euros is installed with the goal to investigate the lack of funds. The cricket dies of an overdose of crack. The newspapers Libération et l'Humanité publish columns discussing the governments' failure to tackle the problem of social inequalities. The house is broken down by a gang of immigrant spiders and the government congratulates itself on it successful policy of multicultural diversity. The spiders organize a marijuana traffic and terrorize the neighbourhood.


Trash the left wherever you can. (P.S.: advice for North American citizens only, Europe being one big snafu already).