Meanwhile at Knack, the leading magazine in Flanders and self-acclaimed Champion of Objective News:
The title in bold, "BUSH MAG AFZWAAIEN" can be freely translated as: "BUSH CAN DISAPPEAR NOW."
The caption just underneath "De oorlog in Irak dreigt niet alleen Saddam Hoessein de kop de kosten" means "The war in Iraq threatens to cost not only Saddam Husayn's head."
The text in bold at the bottom of the page "Nog nooit heeft de wereld zo verlangd naar het einde van een presidentschap, als naar dat van George W. Bush" reads "Never before the world has longed that much for the end of a presidency as for that of George W. Bush."
From the March 24, 2004 excrement, erm, issue.
It was a fertile spring, here are some more pearls of wisdom:
* Massud Barzani quote "Our confidence has been used up" in bold, article copied from Der Spiegel, March 24
* Abu Bakar Bashir quote: "I pray that Allah will destroy the US", interview of Knack correspondent Alexander Weissink in Jakarta with said gentleman. Header in fat bold capitals., April 14
* From the same interview: "The Americans are very good in cheating people.", in bold
* Another article in the same excrement, erm, issue: "The criminal in George B. Junior", with a kindly provided link to
And, surprise, surprise: there was an article about Afghanistan in the April 2001 excrement, erm, issue: interview with Prez Karzai. Copied from Der Spiegel, of course. Apparently things must be going rather well in Afghanistan, since the article starts with:
"Three years is little for a country that since 1979 has been in war with itself. In october 2001 NATO-troops - together with armed Afghan opposition groups - chased the Taliban from power. Since then apparently much has turned for the better. A Loya Jirga, a grand gathering of clan leaders, chose a transitional government and a Head of State: Hamid Karzai (46)."
I really like the excerpt "In october 2001 NATO-troops ... etc... chased the Taliban from power". Whaaaaw, NATO-troops!!! From what country would they have been??????? I'm clueless ya know, since the article DOES NOT MENTION WHATSOEVER where this mystery army came from. France? Iceland? Norway? Turkey? Luxembourg??? Could it have been...... Belgium???????? Help me, does anyone know more???
Happy thoughts to you.
Posting from a hideout somewhere deep in the Ardennes, chased by the Belgian State Security and Islamic Relgious Police from Schaarbeek (Brussels), as always, your friend, Michael the Infidel.
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