Thursday, January 15, 2004

What the hell is the matter with President Bush? This new initiative to promote marriage is egregious on two fronts. First fiscally, we need to be cutting spending. I'm not talking about the federal government's interpretation of cutting, ie. increasing the annual buget by only 6% instead of 7%. No, I'm talking about cutting millions and millions and millions from the budget. This initiative is right up there with the National Preschool Anger Management Project (I am not making this up, scroll down a bit). We need a sea change in the attitudes of our representatives when it comes to spending money. They need a firm budget amount each year and then have to work everything in under that number instead of just piling the pork on without even a thought as to how it will be paid for.

Second, the government should have no purview here whatsoever. This includes the courts forcing gay marriage on states, decreeing no fault divorce, etc,. Apparently "Compassionate Conservative" means free-spending, big government, and now - Dating Service!