Thursday, January 15, 2004

Regarding immigration, one thing is for sure: Our policy has to remain the same regardless of one's nationality. I don't mind discrimination when it comes to immigrants, as long as it's based on things like potential employment, financial status, criminal record, etc. Essentially, all things that can lead to a person damaging our system rather than improving it. (I'm sure the PC weenies are loving that.) Political fashion has no place in deciding who gets in and out of the country.

The fact that we border an impoverished nation is irrelevant. We need to do what's best for us. We have no obligation to any other nation when it comes to securing our borders, unless those other nations would like to start paying taxes into our system. If you look at the history of Mexico, they had as much opportunity to get things right as the U.S. did, but they squandered the opportunity. It reminds me of the bleeding hearts that were wailing when we invaded Afghanistan, whining that these poor, peaceful people have been overrun by countless armies over the centuries, and we're just the latest invader to come and beat up on them. At what point are these people responsible for their own problems? Is it somehow our fault that nations like Afghanistan, despite being around much longer than the US, can't seem to get it right? Of course not.

I'm for helping out Mexico insofar as it helps the US, and no farther. Beyond that, it's just another handout that will come back to haunt us.