Well, there was nothing earth shattering in the SOTU address. Here's a few negatives:
Ted Kennedy getting air time.
Ted Kennedy getting air time fondling his ample jowls.
A $300,000,000 "initiative" (nice call, Kerry) to help people leaving prison to get training, etc. to re-enter the work force and not be repeat offenders. In other words let's reward criminals with money taken from people who obey the laws. I can't tell you how pleased I am at the thought of my hard earned money going to assist the guy who broke into my house last year. I wonder if I can get in on some of this training should I fall on tough times. Probably not without committing a crime first. Here's what I propose for ex-cons: You let them out of jail at the end of their sentence. That one is free.
Some of the most sorry military personnel ever (again, nice call Kerry). Those who had a pulse couldn't even be bothered to pay attention. Must have been Wes Clark's old staff.
"Limiting spending increases to less than 4%." What a miser! This counts as cost cutting in Washington.
John Kerry referring to the economic recovery as a "Wall Street Bush League recovery" in an interview after the speech. What a wordsmith. I'm not sure I'll be able to take much more of his tall, twisted head.
About 15 other new ways to piss away taxpayer money on things the government should have nothing to do with.
On a positive note, here are a few good things from the SOTU:
As Kerry said, Bush really set the Dems up with that Patriot Act line. How long are these people going to continue to think he is stupid?
Many important Democrats looking classless, petulant, and unprofessional on camera. I know; what's new?
A strong denunciation of socialized medicine. Bush showed some good backbone here. Looks like we're going to avoid the biggest disaster of modern government for a few more years.
Another mispronunciation of "nuclear". I'm glad the pres is holding his ground on this important issue.
Well that's all I can remember. It will be fun to watch the Democratic candidates fall all over themselves trying to out critique each other tomorrow.