Thursday, January 22, 2004

…Sorry fellas and gals... have just been lurking lately... had some rough days... no time to post anything valuable... noticed though that Tom's best friend, the one with the French face, won in Iowa and that Dean went off not with a whimper but with a bang... Knew practically nothing about SOTU until I came upon it here... so whadda ya think was the reason those soldiers were looking less than happy? Were they sitting next to Hillary mayhaps?

…………(reading latest post)………….

[RANT ON] Oh yeah, sure. Tom, Kerry, Scott and wife off to the Richard Grason Inn in Bar Harbor until Monday “for some R&R which means plenty of discussion, but no blogging”! Sure. Leave me alone defending the West's values eh? Sounds pretty socialistic to me. Guess you’ll discuss the chef’s menu or have a fight over who’ll get the Ashley bedroom and who’ll sleep in the Melinda cave. Scott, I hope there’s more than one wall between the two. I heard Tom snores like an A 10 attacking a Republican Guard column. I suggest you drop him into the Tyler bedroom, although Kerry confided me he’s afraid alone in the dark. Kerry, you don’t really want to sleep in this Melinda thing, the color is giving me a migraine already. That “fully-equipped gourmet kitchen” REALLY SUCKS!!!! If you think the loser who runs the place is mentally half as stable as the Lion of Kosovo and can have a look at my site without succumbing to the Mother Of All Depressions then hand him the link to it, maybe guests will be able to have decent meals by the time LPB III is POTUS. “Spectacular view of Frenchman’s Bay”…”French doors lead from the Melinda Room…”. Who the hell came up with the idea of hiring this place anyway? I bet it’s Tom. For all his ranting on the French he doesn’t fool this one. Admit that you are a sly Frenchofile Tommy. What you gonna say now eh? C’est la vie?

We leave the site in Michael's adept hands to use as he pleases.” Hah! You bet!!! In my country we have a saying: “When the cat is off the mice dance on the table.” Well, you asked for it yourself Kerry. You practically begged for it. Don’t start whining come Tuesday.


Can't think properly anymore… Good night to all those living outside Maine... good night for me at least... in His Infinite Goodness The Lord hath wanted it that Belgium should be perpetually six hours ahead of Maine... not to speak of Colorado...
