Well, I can't claim any New Hampshire residency, but both of my parents are New Hampshire natives, and I think Kerry is right about their political tendencies. Here's a few of my own predictions:
Kerry (John, not our beloved blogger) will win.
Lieberman will do poorly, and leave the race soon thereafter.
Clark will do poorly, and continue a slow slide into oblivion.
Dean will do ok, perhaps even squeaking out second place, but then join Clark on a slide into oblivion in the following primaries.
Sharpton and Kucinich will wait patiently in oblivion for Dean and Clark to arrive.
Edwards will do well enough to remain relevant, and will go on to a strong showing in the south, which will solidify his position as the most likely VP candidate.
Look for a Kerry/ Edwards ticket when all of this eventually shakes out.
The Patriots will win the Super Bowl. Tom Brady will stiff John Kerry on an endorsement.