Sunday, February 18, 2024


Mass riots broke out yesterday in The Hague, The Netherlands, when two rival gangs of Eritreans numbering hundreds of individuals clashed with each other, then attacked intervening police.

Multiculturalism is a LIE, invented by leftists after the fall of the Soviet Union. It was the grand bankruptcy of all their delusional ideas, but every time they are proven wrong, they start looking for another cause to sow unrest and hatred, another group of purported victims they can claim to protect. That group was quickly found, had in fact already been on their radar for decades: the Third World. The only reason most of the Third World is a shithole is because WE keep them there, according to socialists, greens, democrats or whatever you want to call these lowlives. And the grand operation to sluice the downtrodden of the Earth towards the West began. Here at last they could benefit from all the riches we had stolen from them.

Not content with the speed of the influx, even after Madwoman Merkel's throwing open the borders of Germany, they doctored the 'UN Global Compact for Safe and Regulated Migration', which went into effect in 2018. The results are appalling. Europe is being flooded day and night with thousands of welfare seekers who can't, and won't, contribute anything of value to our continent.

It is in fact a naked power grab by Europe's leftists and greens, aimed at neutralizing the votes of autochton electorates which vote more an more rightwing - not unlike the Biden government letting some 150,000 Latin Americans in each month with the aim of keeping the GOP from power eternally.

The results of such insane policies were on full display in The Hague yesterday. Politicians who allow and facilitate the import of this scum... actually deserve to be shot.


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