Friday, December 21, 2018


Thug Notes for today, where Sparky Sweets, Ph.D., enlightens us on the subject of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 100 Years of Solitude.

I read 100 Years of Solitude when I was a teen and was sold from page one. Make that sentence one; I remember it to this very day. Or so I kid myself: test, and I will look it up in two hours or so when back home: "Years later, standing before the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia remembered the day his father took him to watch the ice."

Reading 100 Years of etc was a rollercoaster experience, an Aha Erlebnis with books I apparently encounter on average only once a year. Funny, but not one of Marquez' other books was ever able to again cast such a spell on me. Indeed, I was never able to finish, even read halfway, another one. I briefly recall starting Love in times of cholera (or was it The Colonel never gets post?) Whatever). The fizz was gone. And stayed gone once I discovered GGM was some kind of nutcase commie. Either way, I guess I'll have to thank him for one of the few bright sparks in a dreary period of my life.

Try it too. Chances are you'll be hooked just like me. And, you know? Maybe it's a good hint for a last minute Christmas present?


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