Sunday, September 15, 2013


Over at Townhall, Humberto Fontova had a damn good article on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Chilean coup d'état by General Augusto Pinochet: The other 9/11 - when commies tasted their own medicine.

"...On September 11, 1973 the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet slapped Fidel Castro so smartly that his Stalinist regime (and its dutiful U.S. Media minions) are still sniveling and sniffling and wiping away tears of shock, pain and humiliation.

True to form, The New York Times leads the sniveling. They just published an article decrying the Chilean “tragedy” (i.e. Chile saving itself from Castroism with a military coup and today the richest and freest nation in Latin America.) The article’s author Ariel Dorfman is a former advisor to Chile’s Marxist president and Castro acolyte Salvador Allende. This same “columnist,” by the way, proclaimed Che Guevara as “Hero and Icon of the Century!” for Time magazine back in 1999.

“To our American friend Herbert Matthews with gratitude,” beamed Fidel Castro during a visit to the New York Times offices in April 1959 to decorate their star Latin America reporter with a newly-minted Cuban medal. “Without the help of the New York Times, the Revolution in Cuba would never have been,” Castro congratulated.

For once, Fidel Castro wasn’t lying. In fact, our crackerjack State Department’s Latin America “experts” were in such thrall to the New York Times’ Herbert Matthews that a pre-requisite for U.S. ambassadors posted to Cuba in the late 50’s was a “briefing” by him!”

“One can’t get much closer to communism without becoming one” J. Edgar Hoover wrote in July of 1959 to Vice President Nixon about Herbert Matthews, who he was closely monitoring.

"We’re following the example of the Cuban Revolution and counting on the support of her militant internationalism represented by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara!” boasted Chilean president Salvador Allende’s minister Carlos Altamirano in January 1971. “Armed conflict in continental terms remains as relevant today as ever!" he declared.

And he wasn’t bluffing. By the time of Pinochet’s coup, an estimated 31,000 Cuban and Soviet bloc operatives and terrorists infested Chile, including Castro’s top KGB-trained terrorist spymasters, Antonio De La Guardia and Manuel "Barbarroja" Pineiro." Among the hundreds of Soviet personnel were KGB luminaries Viktor Efremov, Vasili Stepanov and Nikolai Kotchanov.

By 1973, 60% of Chile’s arable land had been stolen by Allende’s Marxist regime, often with the aid of Cuba-trained death squads. "In the final analysis only armed conflict will decide who is the victor!" added Allende’s governmental ally, Oscar Guillermo Garreton. “The class struggle always entails armed conflict. Understand me, the global strategy is always accomplished through arms!"

Allende’s deputy economic minister, Sergio Ramos, didn’t mince words either: "It’s evident," he proclaimed in mid-1973, "that the transition to socialism will first require a dictatorship of the proletariat!"

"Stalin was a banner of creativity, of humanism and an edifying picture of peace and heroism!" declared Salvador Allende during a eulogy in 1953 to the Soviet mass-murderer whose crimes left Hitler’s in the dust. "Everything he did, he did in service of the people. Our father Stalin has died but in remembering his example our affection for him will cause our arms to grow strong towards building a grand tomorrow—to insure a future in memory of his grand example!"

In September 1973 General Augusto Pinochet, his military colleagues and a majority of the Chilean people (Allende had won in 1970 with a slight plurality not a majority of the Chilean vote) failed to recognize Stalin’s Great Terror as a “grand example.” The Chilean legislature and Supreme Court had already declared Allende’s Marxism unconstitutional...."

Mr. Fontova rightfully mentions here a 'detail' that is always wilfully ignored by the Allende-sympathizers among our politicans (basically all of them, of course) and media (all of them, period). Indeed, Chile's Suprem Court, on 26 May 1973, unanimously denounced the Allende government's "disruption of the legality of the nation in its failure to uphold judicial decisions. It refused to permit police execution of judicial resolutions that contradicted the Government's measures." Following in the footsteps of the Supreme Court, on 22 August 1973, the Chamber of Deputies, with in the vanguard the Christian Democrats and the National Party, passed 81–47 a resolution that asked "the President of the Republic, Ministers of State, and members of the Armed and Police Forces"[25] to "put an immediate end" to "breach[es of] the Constitution . . . with the goal of redirecting government activity toward the path of Law and ensuring the Constitutional order of our Nation, and the essential underpinnings of democratic co-existence among Chileans."

The resolution stated specifically that Allende sought ". . . to conquer absolute power with the obvious purpose of subjecting all citizens to the strictest political and economic control by the State . . . [with] the goal of establishing a totalitarian system", claiming it had made "violations of the Constitution . . . a permanent system of conduct." Most of the accusations were about the Socialist Government disregarding the separation of powers, and arrogating legislative and judicial prerogatives to the executive branch of government. In the resolution, Salvador Allende's government was accused of:

* ruling by decree, thwarting the normal legislative system
* refusing to enforce judicial decisions against its partisans
* ignoring the decrees of the independent General Comptroller's Office
* sundry media offences; usurping control of the National Television Network and applying ... economic pressure against those media organizations that are not * unconditional supporters of the government...
* allowing its socialist supporters to assemble armed, preventing the same by its right wing opponents
* . . . supporting more than 1,500 illegal ‘takings’ of farms...
* illegal repression of the El Teniente miners’ strike
* illegally limiting emigration

Hm, does this ring a bell among americanos, by the way?

Anyway, like I said, nothing of this has EVER made the headlines, has EVER been mentioned in our thorughly leftist media, with the State Television and newspapers like De Standaard and Le Soir up front. To the contrary, it's always the same old song, the same old points, half truths, and lies. And so it was that when Pinochet died in 2006, De Standaard's Ine Roox thought it necessary to refer to the man who had actually SAVED Chilean democracy as the 'Engel des Doods', the "Angel of Death":

 photo ine_roox_engeldesdoods_zps3be1b182.jpg

I don't doubt for a second that in the wake of Pinochet's coup a number of innocent people died. I have however great reservations about the number that's always posited, 3,000, since it is being offered by the same media who are wilfully denying our citizens knowledge of the Allende government's illegal moves, it's cozying up to marxist regimes, indeed, it's deliberate evolution towards just such a regime. Never expect from an editor like Roox revelations about the stance of the Chilean Supreme Court or its Chamber of Deputies, no, Allende was a saint, period, and Pinochet, if not Satan, then at least an 'Angel of Death'.

But Pinochet put Chile back on the tracks economically, and left the political scene seventeen years after the coup, following a plebiscite of which he respected the results. Compare that to the Castro regime's unbroken dicatorial hold on power since... 1959. Just think about that, seventeen years vs fifty-four, and still the Castro regime basically imprisons its own people. As for the death toll in Cuba since 'their' coup:

To date, Cuba Archive ( has documented more than 8,200 fatalities or disappearances caused by the Castro communist government since January 1, 1959. Until 2003 it took almost exclusively from the investigation by one of its directors and founders, Armando Lago, PhD (1939-2008), for a book project he researched mostly from existing bibliography. In recent years, the project has focused on gathering direct testimony and reviewing sources of information previously unexamined. Collaboration with the group “Cuban Memorial” ( has helped access the Cuban exile community to improve on documentation efforts.

Up to December 15, 2008, 5,732 cases of execution, extrajudicial killings, and disappearances have been documented. In addition, 515 deaths in prison for medical negligence, suicide, or accident have been recorded. These totals, which constitute partial yet growing numbers, already amount to more than twice the 3,197 disappearances and killings by the military regime led by General Augusto Pinochet in Chile. Yet while Pinochet was subject to solid worldwide condemnation, Fidel Castro has been lauded by many celebrities and influential global figures.

In 2008 alone, 42 deaths have been registered, all in prison except one – 2 extrajudicial killings, 23 for lack of medical care, 11 reported suicides, 2 in accidents resulting from negligence, plus 1 death for undetermined causes. Between January 1, 1959 and December 15, 2008, a partial tally of deaths attributed to the Castro regime totals 8,237 documented cases, if combat actions against the communist government are included.

Hmmmm. Mind you, these are data from 2008. And I'm not even taking into account the thousands who drowned trying to flee Fidel's workers paradise by boat.

I said I'd begin to expose the FUCKING LEFTOZOID LIARS who keep spoonfeeding the population false narratives thought up in leftist wonderland. HERE is a pic of Madam Ine Roox, dedicated lefty and without a doubt morally infinitely superior to you and me, the Great Rightwing Unwashed:

 photo INEROOX_zps7bf65227.jpg

Now ask yourself: if tomorrow the Old Monster in Havanna croaks, with this tally of around 6,000 Cubans murdered for opposing his communist regime (I somehow fear it's actually far worse), would Ine Roox refer to Fidel Castro as the Cuban 'Angel of Death'?

Count on it.



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