Saturday, October 14, 2006


A while back, we briefly mentioned a story about a girl of Sri Lankan origin in the town of Lokeren, who had joined the Vlaams Belang.

During last Sunday's municipal elections, she was rewarded with a seat in Lokeren's town council. Unbelievably enough, Belgium's The Stavda, sometimes referred to as De Standaard, had an article on her this week.

This is her story.

Friends left her, as a job student she was fired, and on the streets she was scolded for racist by young immigrants. Only because she chose for Vlaams Belang in Lokeren. Aisha Van Zele's revenge is sweet: in January she debuts in the town council. Aisha Van Zele (22) got 475 preferential votes. "I've now got six years to prove we are no racists, even though we maintain a strong stance on immigrants" says the communication sciences student. You won't say so from hearing her name, but she's from Sri Lanka. Has she not, by joining the Vlaams Belang - accused by many of being racist - chosen the side of the enemy? "I arrived in Flanders as a baby. I feel Flemish, speak perfect Dutch, endorse Flemish values and ways. What does my dark skin matter?" [...] "I knew I would be rebuffed when I switched from VLD to Vlaams Belang in June. But that it would prove to be so hard came as a surprise. I lost two weekend jobs in a restaurant and a fashion shop. On the street, young immigrants scolded me for being a racist. Some people started to avoid me as if I had the plague. A couple of weeks ago I went to a café with my sister. She was heartily welcomed, but so-called friends of mine turned away their heads. Luckily there was always my real friends. And besides, I really want to mean something for Lokeren. As a young woman, I dare not to walk some streets past 10pm. In those risk quarters they'd better impose a curfew. Youngsters under the age of 16 should not be allowed to leave without accompaniment."

A couple of things can be learned from this li'l story. Leftists who battled decades for abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage and adoption and "liberation" of the woman from under the yoke of men, would rather side with Islamic nutcases who would throw homosexual people from buildings and force women to stay indoors, than get along with a VB member. And Lokeren, a small town of 38,000 between Gent and Antwerp, seems to be having problems too already.

Go Aisha! You rock girl!